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ZOOLOGY 805 ilassifi aticm of one additional adjective, sometimes with another, so that no true names were fixed and accepted. Linnaeus by his binomial system made it possible to write and speak with accuracy of any given species of plant or animal. He was, in fact, the Adam of zoological science. He proceeded further to introduce into his enumeration of animals and plants a series of groups, viz., genus, order, class, which lie compared to the subdivisions of an army or the sub divisions of a territory, the greater containing several of the less, as follows : Class. Order. Genus. Species. Variety. Genus sum- Genus inter- Genus proxi- Species. Individuum. mum. medium. mum. Provincia. Territorium. Paroecia. Pagus. Domicilium. Legio. Conors. Manipulus. Contubernium. Miles. Linnaeus himself recognized the purely subjective char acter of his larger groups ; for him species were, however, objective : "there are," he said, "just so many species as in the beginning the Infinite Being created." It was re served for a philosophic zoologist of the 19th century (Agassiz, Essay on Classification, 1859) to maintain dog matically that genus, order, and class were also objective facts capable of precise estimation and valuation. This climax was reached at the very moment when Darwin was publishing the Origin of Species (1859), by which universal opinion has been brought to the position that species, as well as genera, orders, and classes, are the subjective ex pressions of a vast ramifying pedigree in which the only objective existences are individuals, the apparent species as well as higher groups being marked out, not by any distributive law, but by the purely non-significant opera tion of human experience, which cannot transcend the results of death and decay. The classification of Linnaeus (from Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1766) should be compared with that of Aristotle. It is as follows, the complete list of Linnaean genera being here reproduced : Class I. MAMMALIA. Order 1. Priinates. Genera : Homo, Simia, Lemur, Vespertilio. ,, 2. Bruta. Genera : Eleplias, Trichecus, Bradypus, Myrme- cophaga, Manis, Dasyjms. ,, 3. Ferse. Genera : PJwca, Canis, Fclis, Viverra, Mustcla, Ursus, Didclphys, Talpa, Sorcx, Erinaceus. , . 4. Glircs. Genera : Hystrix, Lepus, Castor, Mus, Sciums, Noctilio. , , 5. Pccora. Genera : Camelus, Moschus, Ccrvus, Capra, Ovis, Bos. ,, C. Belluss. Genera : Equus, Hippopotamus, Sus, Rhinoceros. 7. Ccte. Genera : Monodon, Bal&na, Physeter, Delphinus. Class II. AVES. Order 1. Accipitres. Genera : Vultur, Falco, Strix, Lanius. ,, 2. Picas. Genera : (a) Trochilus, Certhia, Upupa, Buphaga, Sitta, Oriolus, Coracias, Gracula, Corvus, Para- disea ; (b} Ramphastos, Trogon, Psittacus, Croto- phaga,Picus, Yunx, Cuculus,Bucco; (c) Buccros, Alccdo, Merops, Todos. ,, 3. Anseres. Genera : (a) Anas, Mergus, Phacthon, Plotus ; (b) PJiyncops, Diomcdea, Alca, Procellaria, Pcle- canus, Larus, Sterna, Colymbus. 4. Grallse. Genera : () Phcenicopterus, Platalca, Palamedea, Mycleria, Tantalus, Ardca, Rccurvirostra, Scolopax, Tringa, Fulica, Parra, Rallus, Pso- phia, Cancroma ; (b) Hematopus, Charadrius, Otis, Struthio. ,, 5. Gallinse. Genera : Didus, Pavo, Mclcarjris, Crax, Phasianus, Tetrao, Numida. Order 6. Passer es. Genera: (a) Loxia, Fringilla, Emberiza ; (b) Caprimulgus, Hirundo, Pipra ; (c) Turdus, Ampelis, Tanagra, Muscicapa ; (d) Parus, Motacilla, Alauda, Sturnus, Columba. Class III. AMPHIBIA. Order 1. lieptilia. Genera : Tcstudo, Draco, Lacerta, Rana. , , 2. Scrpentcs. Genera : Crotalus, Boa, Coluber, Anyuis, Amjihis- bsena, Ccecilia. ,, 3. Nantes. Genera : Pctromyzon, Raja, Squalus, Chimasra, Lophius, Acipcnser, Cydopterus, Balistes, Os- tracion, Tetrodon, Diodon-, Ccntriscus, Syn- gnathus, Pegasus. Class IV. PISCES. Order 1. Apodcs. Genera : Mureena, Gymnotus, Trichiurus, Anar- rhichas, Ammodytes, Opliidium, Stromatcus, Xiphias. ,, 2. Jugularcs. Genera : Callionymus, Uranoscopus, TracMnus, Gadus, Blcnnius. , , 3. Thoracici. Genera : Ccpola, Echcneis, Coryph&na, Gobius, Coitus, Scorpazna, Zeus, Pleuronectes, Ch&todon, Spams, Labrus, Scixna, Perca, Gastcrostcus, Scomber, Mullus, Trigla. ,, 4. Abdominales. Genera : Cobitis, Amia, Silurus, Zcuthis, Lori- caria, Salmo, Fistularia, Esox, Elops, Argen tina, Atherina, Mugil, Mormyrus, Exoaetus, Polynemus, Clupca, Cyprinus. Class V. INSECTA. Order 1. Colcoptcra. Genera : (a) Scarab&us, Lucanus, Dcrmestes, Ulster, Byrrkus, Gyrinus, Attclabus, Curculio, Silpha, Coccinella ; (b) BrucUus, Cassida, Ptinus, Chrysomcla, Hispa, Meloe, Tcnebrio, Lampyris, Mordella, Staphylinus ; (c) Cerambyx, Leptura, Cantharis, Elater, Cicindela, Buprcstis, Dytiscus, Carabus, Necydalis, Forficula. , , 2. Ilemiptcra. Genera : Blatta, Mantis, Gryllus, Fulgora, Cicada, Notonccta, Nepa, Cimex, Aphis, Chermes, Coc cus, Tlirips. ,, 3. Lepidoptcra. Genera : Papilio, Sphinx, Phal&na, ,, 4. Ncuroptera. Genera : Libcllula, Ephemera, Myrmclcon, Phry- ganea, Hcmerobius, Panorpa, Raphidia. ,, 5. Hymenoptera. Genera : C ynips, Tcnthredo, Sirex, Ichneumon, Sphex, Chrysis, Vespa, Apis, Formica, Mutilla. ,, 6. Diptcra. Genera : Oestrus, Tijmla, Musca, Tabanus, Culex, Empis, Conops, Asilus, Bombylius, Hippo- bosca. ,, 7. Aptcra. Genera : (a) Pedibus sex ; capite a thorace dis- creto : Lepisma, Podura, Tcrmcs, Pedicu- lus, Pulex. (b) Pedibus 8-14; capite thoraceque unitis : Acarus, Phalangium, Aranea, Scorpio, Cancer, Monoculus , Oniscus. (c) Pedibus pluribus ; capite a thorace discrete : Scolopendra, Julus. Class VI. VERMES. Order 1. Intcstina. Genera: (a] Pertusa lateral! poro : Lumbricus, Sipunculus, Fasciola. (b} Imperforata poro laterali nullo : Gordius, Ascaris, Jlirudo, Myxine. , , 2. Mollusca. Genera : (a) Ore supero; basi se affigens: Actinia, Ascidia. (b) Ore antico ; corpore pertuso laterali fora- miiiulo : Limax, Aplysia, Doris, TetJifs. (c) Ore antico; corpore tentaculis antice cincto: Hulothuria, Tcrcbclla. (d) Ore antico ; corpore bracliiato : Triton, Sepia, Clio, Lcrnica, Scyllxa. (c} Ore antico ; corpore pedato : Aplirodita, Nereis. (/) Ore infcro centrali : Medusa, Astcria,
