HEBREW.] CALENDAR G79 TABLE VII. Hebrew Years (continued). Jewish fum- Com nenoeincnt , iNum- Jewish hpl . nf Commencement Year. }ays (1st of Tisri). Year. Days. (1st of Tisri). 5644 354 Tues. 2 Oct. 1883 5720 355 Sat. 3 Oct. 1959 45 355 Sat. 20 Sept. 1884 21 354 Thur. 22 Sept. 1960 46 385 Thur. 10 Sept. 1885 22 383 Mon. 11 Sept. 1961 47 354 Thur. 30 Sept. 1886 23 355 Sat. 29 Sept. 1962 48 353 Mon. 19 Sept. 1887 24 354 Thur. 19 Sept. 1963 49 385 Thur. 6 Sept. 1888 25 385 Mon. 7 Sept. 1964 50 354 Thur. 26 Sept. 1889 26 353 Mon. 27 Sept. 1965 51 383 Mon. 15 Sept. 1890 27 385 Thur. 15 Sept. 1966 ,252 355 Sat. 3 Oct. 1891 ,228 354 Thur. 5 Oct. 1967 >,53 354 Thur. 22 Sept. 1892 29 355 Mon. 23 Sept. 1968 ^54 385 Mon. 11 Sept. 1893 ^ 30 383 Sat. 13 Sept. 1969 S55 353 Mon. 1 Oct. 1894 o 31 354 Thur. 1 Oct. 1970 56 355 Thur. 19 Sept. 1895 10 32 355 Mon. 20 Sept. 1971 57 384 Tues. 8 Sept. 1896 33 383 Sat. 9 Sept. 1972 58 355 Mon. 27 Sept. 1897 34 355 Thur. 27 Sept. 1973 59 353 Sat. 17 Sept. 1898 35 354 Tues. 17 Sept. 1974 60 384 Tues. 5 Sept. 1899 36 385 Sat. 6 Sept. 1975 61 355 Mon. 24 Sept. 1900 37 353 Sat. 25 Sept. 1976 62 383 Sat, 14 Sept. 1901 38 384 Tues. 13 Sept. 1977 5663 355 Thur. 2 Oct. 1902 5739 355 Mon. 2 Oct. 1978 64 354 Tues. 22 Sept. 1903 40 355 Sat. 22 Sept. 1979 65 385 Sat. 10 Sept. 1904 41 383 Thur. 11 Sept. 1980 66 355 Sat. 30 Sept. 1 905 42 354 Tues. 29 Sept. 1981 67 354 Thur. 20 Sept. 1906 43 355 Sat. 18 Sept. 1982 68 383 Mon. 9 Sept. 1907 44 385 Thur. 8 Sept. 1983 69 355 Sat. 26 Sept. 1908 45 354 Thur. 27 Sept. 1984 70 383 Thur. 16 Sept. 1909 46 383 Mon. 16 Sept. 1985 ,271 354 Tues. 4 Oct. 1910 ,247 355 Sat. 4 Oct. 1986 72 355 Sat. 23 Sept. 1911 >>48 354 Thur. 24 Sept. 1987 S 73 385 Thur. 12 Sept. 1912 49 383 Mon. 12 Sept. 1988 74 354 Thur. 2 Oct. 1913 I 50 355 Sat. 30 Sept. 1989 ^75 353 Mon. 21 Sept. 1914 W 51 354 Thur. 20 Sept. 1990 76 385 Thur. 9 Sept. 1915 52 385 Mon. 9 Sept. 1991 77 354 Thur. 28 Sept. 1916 53 353 Mon. 28 Sept. 1992 78 355 Mon. 17 Sept. 1917 54 355 Thur. 16 Sept. 1993 79 383 Sat. 7 Sept. 1918 55 384 Tues. 6 Sept. 1994 80 354 Thur. 25 Sept. 1919 56 355 Mon. 25 Sept. 1995 81 385 Mon. 13 Sept. 1920 57 383 Sat. 14 Sept. 1996 5682 355 Mon. 3 Oct. 1921 5758 354 Thur. 2 Oct. 1997 83 353 Sat. 23 Sept. 1922 59 355 Mon. 21 Sept. 1998 84 384 Tues. 11 Sept. 1923 60 385 Sat. 11 Sept. 1999 85 355 Mon. 29 Sept. 1924 61 353 Sat. 30 Sept. 2000 86 355 Sat. 19 Sept. 1925 62 354 Tues. 18 Sept. 2001 87 383 Thur. 9 Sept. 1926 63 385 Sat. 7 Sept. 2002 88 354 Tues. 27 Sept. 1927 64 355 Sat. 27 Sept. 2003 o89 385 Sat. 15 Sept. 1928 65 383 Thur. 16 Sept. 2004 T!90 353 Sat. 5 Oct. 1929 ,266 354 Tues. 4 Oct. 2005 0*91 354 Tues. 23 Sept. 1930 ^67 355 Sat. 23 Sept. 2006 o92 385 Sat. 12 Sept. 1931 "68 383 Thur. 13 Sept. 2007 93 355 Sat. 1 Oct. 1932 o69 354 Tues. 30 Sept. 2008 94 354 Thur. 21 Sept. 1933 00 70 355 Sat. 19 Sept. 2009 95 383 Mon. 10 Sept. 1934 71 385 Thur. 9 Sept. 2010 96 355 Sat. 28 Sept. 1935 72 354 Thur. 29 Sept. 2011 97 354 Thur. 17 Sept. 1936 73 353 Mon. 17 Sept. 2012 98 385 Mon. 6 Sept. 1937 74 385 Thur. 5 Sept. 2013 99 353 Mon. 26 Sept. 1938 75 354 Thur. 25 Sept. 2014 5700 385 Thur. 14 Sept. 1939 76 385 Mon. 14 Sept. 2015 5701 354 Thur. 3 Oct. 1940 5777 353 Mon. 3 Oct. 2016 02 355 Mon. 22 Sept. 1941 78 354 Thur. 21 Sept. 2017 03 383 Sat. 12 Sept. 1942 79 385 Mon. 10 Sept. 2018 04 354 Thur. 30 Sept. 1943 80 355 Mon. 30 Sept. 2019 05 355 Mon. 18 Sept. 1944 81 353 Sat. 19 Sept. 2020 06 383 Sat. 8 Sept. 19 45 82 384 Tues. 7 Sept. 2021 07 354 Thur. 26 Sept. 1946 83 355 Mon. 26 Sept. 2022 08 385 Mon. 15 Sept. 1947 84 383 Sat. 16 Sept. 2023 4309 355 Mon. 4 Oct. 1948 .285 355 Thur. 3 Oct. 2024 2.10 353 Sat. 24 Sept. 1949 d 86 354 Tues. 23 Sept. 2025 11 384 Tuns. 12 Sept. 1950 87 385 Sat. 12 Sept. 2026 i 12 355 Mon. 1 Oct. 1951 I 88 355 Sat. 2 Get. 2027 13 355 Sat. 20 Sept. 1952 "89 354 Thur. 21 Sept. 2028 14 383 Thur. 10 Sept. 1953 90 383 Mon. 10 Sept. 2029 15 354 Tues. 28 Sept. 1954 91 355 Sat. 28 Sept. 2030 16 355 Sat. 17 Sept. 1955 92 354 Thur. 18 Sept. 2031 17 385 Thur. 6 Sept. 1956 93 383 Mon. 6 Sept. 2032 18 354 Thur. 26 Sept. 1957 94 355 Sat. 24 Sept. 2033 10 383 Mon. 15 Sept. 1958 95 385 Thur. 14 Sept. 2034 TABLE VII. Hebrew Years (continued). . Nuin- Jewish bcl . of Year. < ;Dil ys. Commencement (1st of Tisri). Jewish Year. Num ber of Days. Commencement (1st of Tisri). 5796 354 Thur. 4 Oct. 2035 5815 355 Sat. 3 Oct. 2054 97 353 Mon. 22 Sept. 2036 16 354 Thur. 23 Sept. 2055 98 385 Thur. 10 Sept. 2037 17 383 Mon. 11 Sept. 2056 99 354 Thur. 30 Sept. 2038 18 355 Sat. 29 Sept. 2057 5800 355 Mon. 19 Sept. 2039 19 354 Thur. 19 Sept. 2058 01 383 Sat. 8 Sept. 2040 20 383 Mon. 8 Sept. 2059 02 354 Thur. 26 Sept. 2041 21 355 Sat. 25 Sept. 2060 03 385 Mon. 15 Sept. 2042 22 385 Thur. 15 Sept. 2061 ,304 353 Mon. 5 Oct. 2043 ,223 354 Thur. 5 Oct. 2062 >>05 355 Thur. 22 Sept. 2044 .24 353 Mon. 24 Sept. 2063 06 384 Tues. 12 Sept. 2045 ^25 385 Thur. 1 1 Sept. 2064 07 355 Mon. 1 Oct. 204S o26 354 Thur. 1 Oct. 2065 M 08 353 Sat. 21 Sept. 2047 M 27 355 Mon. 20 Sept. 2066 09 384 Tues. 8 Sept. 2048 28 383 Sat. 10 Sept. 2067 10 355 Mon . 27 Sept. 2049 29 354 Thur. 27 Sept. 2068 11 355 Sat. 17 Sept. 2050 30 355 Mon. 16 Sept. 2069 12 383 Thur. 7 Sept. 2051 31 383 Sat. 6 Sept. 2070 13 354 Tues. 24 Sept. 2052 32 355 Thur. 24 Sept. 2071 14 385 Sat. 13 Sept. 2053 33 384 Tues. 13 Sept. 2072 MAHOMETAN CALENDAR. The Mahometan era, or era of the Hogira, employed in Turkey, Persia, Arabia, &c., is dated from the flight of Mahomet from Mecca to Medina, which was in the night of Thursday the 15th of July 622 A.D., and it commenced on the day following. The years of the Hegira are purely lunar, and always consist of twelve lunar months, commencing with the approximate new moon, without any intercalation to keep them to the same season with respect to the sun, so that they retrograde through all the seasons in about 32 years. They are also parti tioned into cycles of 30 years, 19 of which are common years of 354 days each, and the other 11 are intercalary years having an additional day appended to the last month. The mean length of the year is therefore 354^1 days, or 354 days 8 hours 48 min., which divided by 12 gives 29|^ days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 min., as the time of a mean lunation, and this differs from the astronomical mean lunation by only 2 -8 seconds. This small error will only amount to a day in about 2400 years. To find if a year is intercalary or common, divide it by 30 ; the quotient will be the number of completed cycles and the remainder will be the year of the current cycle ; if this last be one of the numbers 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, the year is inter calary and consists of 355 days ; if it be any other number, the year is ordinary. Or if Y denote the number of the Mahometan year, and /ll y+H the year is intercalary when R < 11. Also the number of intercalary years from the year 1 up to the ^ - )
year Y inclusive ( and the same up to the year To find the day of the week on which any year of the Hegira begins, we observe that the year 1 began on a Friday, and that after every common year of 354 days, or 50 weeks and 4 days, the day of the week must necessarily become postponed 4 days, besides the additional day of each intercalary year. Hence if w = 1 indicate Sun. 2 Mon. 3 Tues. 4 Wed. Thur. 6 Frid. 7 Sat. the day of the week on which the year Y commences will be 11 F+3 . "30 )w ( rc J cctin S sevens). Y /l ~7/r + ( fives 120 11 Y + 3 /ll Y + 3 V - 30 - )w = 5 + 2 Y + 3 ll Y + 3 - 30 -
vens )