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XXX (207) XXX

207 A T O M Y. creafes in the fame manner as the vaftus internus. It terminates below in an aponeurofis, which is fixed in the Sect. X. The Muscles which move the edge of the tendon of the reCtus anterior, in the fide of Bones of the Leg on the Os Femoris. the patella, and of its tendinous ligament, and in the fide of the head or upper extremity of the tibia. Rectus Anterior five Gracilis Anterior. C R U R E U S. This mufcle is as long as the os femoris; and lies directly along the forefide of the thigh, from whence it This is a flefhy mafs, covering almoft all the forefide has the name of rettus anterior. femoris between the two vafti, which likev/ife It terminates above, by a pretty Urong tendon, which of the theos edges of this mufcle on each fide. is divided into two branches, one fhort and ftraight, the cover It is fixed to the forefide of the os femoris, from the other long and bent. The Ihort branch, running up in anterior of the great trochanter down to the lowa ftraight line, is inferted in the anterior inferior ipine of eft quarterfurface of the bone, by flefhy fibres which run down the os ilium. over each other, between the two vafti, and The long branch is inflected backward over the fuper- fucceflively are partly united thefe two mufcles, fo as not to feem c'dium of the acetabulum, and runs in the direction there- to form a diftinCtto mufcle. of, from the fpine toward the great ifchiatic finus. It It is not fo thick as the two vafti; and as it is coveris ftrong and fiat, adhering very clofely to the bone, and ed by them on each fide, a fort of flefhy channel is formcovered by the orbicular ligament and the glutasus mi- ed by all the three, in which the reCtus is lodged, conimus. of the crureus. From thence the mufcle runs down wholly flefhy, and vering the forepart below in a tendinous aponeurofis, which partly penniform, fome of its fibres meeting above and joinsIt terminates backfide of the tendon of the reCtus anterior, feparating below. It is narrow at the upper extremity, and thetheneighbouring edges of the extremities of the two and grows gradually broader toward the middle. Af- vafti. Thus, thefe four mufcles form a common tendon, terwards it contracts again in the fame manner, and, at which is inferred in the places already mentioned. the lower extremity of the cs femoris, ends in a flat broad tendon. S A R T O R I U S. VASTUS EXTERNUS. This is the longeft mufcle of the human body. It flat, and about two fingers in breadth, fituated obTfiris is a very large flefhy tnufcle, almoft as long as isliquely the infide of. the thigh. the os femoris, broad at the extremities, and thick in It is along fixed above by a very fhort tendon, in the lower the middle, lying on the outfide of the thigh. of the anterior fuperior fpine of the os ilium, before Its upper infertion, being fomething tendinous, is in part the mufculus fafeias latae. The beginning of its body the pofterior or convex rough furface of the great tro- lies chanter. It is likewife fixed by a fleftiy infertion along the the notch between the two anterior fpines of that outfide of the os femoris for above two thirds of its From thence it runs down obliquely over the vaftus inlength downward, in the correfponding part of the linea ternus mufcles that lie near it, all the way to afpera, and in the neighbouring portion of the fafcia lata. the infideandofother the knee, where it terminates in a fmall tenFrom all this extent the flelhy fibres running down- don, which grows broader near its extremity, and is inward, and a little obliquely forward toward the reChis ferted and a little tranfverfely in the forepart anterior, terminate infenfibly in a kind of ftiort aponeuro- of the obliquely infide of the head of the tibia, near the fpine or fis, which is fixed in all the neareft edge of the tendon tuberofity of that bone, immediately above the infertion of the reCtus, in the fide of the patella, in the edge of the ligament of that bone, and in the neighbouring late- of the gracilis interior. ral part of the head of the tibia. Gracilis Interior five Rectus Interior.

VASTUS INTERN US. This is a long thin mufcle, lying in a ftraight line on This mufcle is very like the former, and fituated in the infide of the thigh, between the os pubis and the knee. ^ the fame manner on the infide of the os femoris. It is fixed above by a fhort flat tendon, in the anterior It is fixed in the edge of the inferior branch of the os rough furface of the great trochanter, and by flelhy fi- pubis, near the fymphyfis, by a broad and very fliort bres in that oblique line which terminates the bafis of tendon, on one fide of the infertion of the triceps fecunthe collum femoris anteriorly, on the forefide of the in- dus, but a little lower down. fertions of the pfoas and iliacus, in the whole infide of From thence the flefhy fibres contracting a little in the os femoris, and in the linea afpera on one fide of the breadth, run down to the internal condyle of the os $infertions of the three tricipites, almoft down to the in- moris, where they terminate in a thin tendon, which afternal dbndyle. terwards degenerates into a kind of aponeurofis, and is i From all this extent the fibres run downv/ard, and a inferted in the fore-part of the infide of the head of the little obliquely forward, and the body of the mufcle in- tibia. BICEPS, Part II.