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XXX (269) XXX

Part YI. A N A r r O M Y. . The ureters run down: obliquely,. and with .a very into a yellowiffi purple, a dark yellow, and a black yel; and fometimes it is perfe&ly black; but even fmall degree of infieftion, from the kidneys to the lateral low parts of the inner or anterior fide of the os facrum, and then, .if it be.fpread thin on a large furface, it appears palling between, the redum and bladder they terminate in yellow. The qfes of thefe renal glands have not as yet been the lalt of thefe vifcera. They are .fompofed of three proper coats; the firfl: difcovered; and all that we know about the liquor contained in them, is, that it refembles the bile. They are of which, that furrounds the reft, is of a whitilh co- very large in the foetus, and diminiffi in adults. lour, and'of a very compad filamentary teKture, being ftretched with difficulty, and appearing like a filamentary fubftance degenerated. The next coat is of a reddiffi coVESICA URINARIA. lour, ftronger than the firft, and made up of different The bladder is a kind of membranous and fieffiy flrata of fibres, which interfed each other; but it is ve- pouch or bottle, capable of dilatation and contraction, ry hard to determine, whether they are mufcular, or fituated in the lower part of the abdomen, immediately belimply membranous. hind the fymphyfis of the offa pubis, and oppofite to the of the inteftinum reCtum. The figure of it is GLANDULE REN ALES, vulgo CAP- beginning nearly that of a ftiort oval. It is broader on the fore and sula: atrabilaria:. back fides, than on the lateral parts ; rounder above Immediately above each kidney, lies a glandular than below when empty, and broader below than above body, called by the ancients Capfulse atribilariae ; by others when full. capfuls renales, renes fuccenturiati, and glandulae re- It is divided into the body, meek, and bottom; into an nales. They are fituated on the upper extremity of each anterior, pofterior, and two lateral parts. The upper kidney a little obliquely, that is, more toward the inner part is termed the fundus or bottom ; and the neck is a edge and finus of the kidney than toward the outer con- portion of the lower part, which is contracted like the gullet of fome veffels. vex edge. Each gland is an oblong body with three fides, three The bladder is made, up of feveral coats. That part edges, and two points, like an irregular crefcent with its of the external coat which covers the upper, pofterior great or convex edge (harp, and the fmall concave edge and.lateral fides of the bladder, is the true lamina or broad. Its length is about two thirds of the greateft membrane of the peritonaeum ; and the reft of it is furbreadth of the kidney, and the breadth of its middle rounded by a cellular fubftance, by the intervention of portion is about one third of its extent between the two which, the peritonaeum is connected to the mufcular coat. extremities, fometimes more, fometimes lefs. Its colour The proper coats are three in number, one mufcular, is a dark yellow. one nervous, and one villous, which is the innermoft. It has one anterior, one pofterior, and one lower fide, The mufcular coat is compofed of feveral ftrata of fieffiy which laft may be termed the bafis ; and it has one upper, fibres ; the outermoft of which are moftly longitudinal; and two lower edges, whereof one is anterior, the other the next to thefe are more inclined toward each hand; and • pofterior. The upper edge may be called the crifta, and the innermoft, more and more oblique; and they become • the two lower edges the labia. at length almoft tranfverfe. . The furface of thefe glands is uneven ; the forefide is The nervous coat is nearly of the fame ftruCture with the broadeft, and the lower fide or bafis the narroweft. the tunica nervofa of the ftomach. Along the middle of the anterior fide, a ridge runs from The-internal ooat is fomething granulated and glanthe edge of the inner extremity, a little above the bafis, dular, and a mucilaginous ferum is continually difeharged to the point of the other extremity, and divides this through it, which moiftens the inner furface qf the fide into two equal parts, like ihe middle rib of the bladder and defends it againft the acrimony of the urine. leaf of a tree; and on the lower fide, under the bafis, At the top of the bladder, above the fymphyfis of the there is a kind of raphe or future. offa pubis, we obferve a ligamentary rope, which runs The bloo<Weffels of thefe glands come from the ar- up between the peritonaeum and the linea alba of the ab-‘ terise, and venas renales, and diaphragmaticse, and like- domen, all the way to the navel, diminiffiing gradually1 wife from %he aorta and vena cava, from the arteria cas- ‘ in thicknefs as it afeends. This rope had a particular liaca, &c. Thele veffels are termed the capfular ar- , nfe in the foetus,; as ftiall be faid in another place. It is teriesand veins; and as they enter the .glands, theyfeem fufficient to add here, that it is in part originally a pro-: to be inverted by a vagina. duCtion of the inner coats of the bladder, which produc-, In die inlide of thefe capfuls:, there is a narrow trian- tion is termed urachus. gular cavity, the furface'of which is full of ftiort ftrong This rope is compofed likewife of two other ligamen-j villi of a yellowiffi colour; but in children it is reddiffi, tary elongations, winch are the extremities of the umand of a dark brown in aged people. The .fides of this bilical arteries. Thefe arteries come from the hypogacavit^y are comiefted by a great number of filaments.; ftricas, run up by .the fides of the bladder, and . main and they appear to be wholly glandular, that is, to be hollow and filled with blood, even in adults, as high .as filled with very fine fmall folliculous corpufcles. the middle of the bladder, through all which fpace they This cavity contains an unduous vifcid liquor, of a likewife fend off ramifications. Afterwards they lofeyellowiffi red colour, which with age changes gradually' their cavity, and become ligamentary as they afeend. Vol. I. Numb. i2. 3 ■3Y . . At