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XXX (337) XXX

API ( 337 ) A P O and fitpport to it. In general, the royal cells are yellowilh. 40. The Carolina is a red hairy bee, with fufpended on the fide of a comb, as in fig. 7,8. To the upper part of the’belly yellow. It is a native of the fide of fig. 9. two royal cells are begun, when they .Carolina. 41. The terreftiis is black and hairy, with refemble pretty much the cup in which an acorn lies. a white belt round the breaft, and a white anus. It The other royal cells have the young queens included builds its neft very deep in the earth. 42. The hortorum is a black hairy hee, with the fore part of the in them. breaft and belly yellow. 43. The pratorum, or black The 23d fpedes is the apis cunicularia, or hairy bee, hairy bee, with the fore part of the breaft yellow, and with an iron-coloured bread, and yellow belly. This a blackifti anus. 44. The lapidaria, or red hairy bee, fpecies is very like the rnellefica; they build their nefts with a yellow anus. It builds in holes of rocks, in dry Tandy places. 24. The variegata; the bread: and 4J. The fylvarum, or pale hairy bee, with a black belly are variegated with white and black fpots ; the legs belt on the breaft, and a reddilh anus. 46. The mufare of an iron colour. It is a native of Europe. This corum, or yellow hairy bee, with a white belly. It fpecies fleep in the geranium phasum, or fpotted crane’s- builds in mofly grounds. 47. The hypnorum, or bill. 2J. The rolirata is diftinguifhed by the up- yellow hairy bee, with a black belt on the belly, and per lip 'being inflefted, and of a conical fliape, and by a white anus. 48. The lucorum, or yellow hairy the belly being invefted with bluilh belts’; They build bee, with a white anus' The laft eight fpecies are all their nefts in high fandy grounds, and there is but one natives of Europe. 49. The brafitianorum, or paleyoung in each neft. 26. The argillofa, or iron-colour- red hairy bee, with the bafis of the thighs black. ed bee, has an infleded roftrum, and a crpoked belly, with This is a very large bee, every where covered with a one joint. It is a native of Surinam. 27. The lago- teftaceous Ikin. It is a native of America. 50. The poda is of a greyifh colour, with an emarginatcd anus. acervorum is red and hairy, and builds below ground, 28. The manitata, or black bee, with hairy fore-legs; 51. The fubterranea is red and hairy, with a duiky the belly is fpotted with yellow; and the anus is triden- anus; it likewife builds below ground. 52. The futated. 29. The quatuor-dentata, is of a dufky colour, rinamenfis is a black hairy bee, with the whole belly, with five white belts on the belly, and the anus has four excepting the firft joint or fegment, yellow. It is a t'eeth-like protuberanceseach intermediate tooth is native of Surinam. 53. The aeftuans, or black hairy forked. The laft three fpecies are natives of Europe. bee, w'ith a yellow breaft. 54. The tropica, or black 30. The fafciata has a yellowifh back, and a black belt hairy bee, with the, hind part of the belly yellow. found the edge of each wing ; the breaft is white; the The two laft are natives of the warm climates. belly is variegated with black and white; the legs are 55. The alpina is a haisy bee, with a black breaft, and covered with black hair; and the feelers are green. It yellow belly. It inhabits the mountains of "Lapland. is a native of the Cape of Good Hope. 31. The bar- APIUM, or Parsley, in botany, a genus of the penbara, or black bee, with a yellow edging round the tandria digynia clafs. The fruit is of an oval lhape breaft, is about the fize of an ant; the feelers are like andftreaked; the involucrum confifts of one leaf; and threads. It is a native of Barbary. 32. The conica, the petals are inflefted. There are only two fpecies or yellow bee, with an acute conical belly, and the mar- of apium, viz. the petrofelinum, a native of Sardigins of the joints or Segments white; it dwells in cavi- nia ; and the ^graveolens, a native of Britain. The ties of the earth. - 33. The annulata, or black bee, s of the petrofelinum are carminative, and the with a black front, and black rings round the legs. feed' root is ufed aperient. 34. The ruficornis has two iron-coloured fpots on the APIVORUS Btttea, in ornithology, a fynonime of a breaft and feelers; the belly is fpotted with yellow. fpecies of falcQ, 35. The ferruginea, or fmooth black bee, with the feel- APLUDA, in botany,SeeFALCo. of the polygamia monov ers, moXith, belly, and feet of an iron colour. This is ' cia clafs. The calixa isgenus a bivalved gluma; the flofa fmall bee, and fuppofed to be of an intermediate kind cules of the, female are. feffile, and the male flofcules between the bee and wafp. The laft three are natives of are furniflved with pedupculi; the female has no caEurope. 36. The ichneumonea; the roftrum or fnout lix

the corolla has' a double valve; is but one is an ereifl horn ; the belly is petiolated and black; and ftylus, and. one covered feed. The there male has three the breaft is interfperfed with ftiining gold-coloured fu- ftamina. There are three fpecies of apluda, viz. the tures or indented lines; the antennse are green. It is a mutica, ariftata, and zeugites, all natives of the native of America. 37. The cariofa is a yellowifti hairy , Indies. bee; and the feet and front are of a bright yellow coin antiquity, a valediAory fpeech lour.' It builds in the rotten trees of Europe. 38. The APOBATERION, or poem made by a perfon on departing out of his own violaceais a red bee, and very hairy, with bluilh wings. country, and addrelfed to his friends or relations. It is a native of Europe. The violacea is faid to perfoone of the facred books of the New rate trees, and hollow them out in a longitudinal dire&ion; APOCALYPSE, Teftament, fo called from containing revelations they begin to build their cells at the bottom of thefe concerning feveral important itsdo&rines of Chriftianity. holes, and depofite an egg in each cell, which is compo- APOCARPASUM, a poifonous drug, otherwife called fed of the farina of plants and honey, or a kind of glu- carpafum. ten. 39. The caffra is alfo red, and covered with hair ; in pharmacy, the fame with Rob. the' hind part of the breaft and fore-part of the belly are APOCHYLISMA, See Rob. Vol. I. No. 15. APO4 Q_