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XXX (432) XXX

AST ASS ( , .32 ) play; or the running divifions, to lead one into the conflantly and immediately follow one another, fo that the one lhall almoft infallibly produce the other. See piece before us. ASSAY-MASTER, an officer appointed by certain Metaphysics. corporations to make a juft allay of all gold and filver ASSOILZIE, in law, to abfolve, or free. brought to him, and to make a true report thereof. ASSONANCE, in rhetoric or poetry, is where the ASSEMBLAGE, the unit'.ng or joining of things to- words of a phrafe or verfe have nearly the fame gether; or the things themfelves fo united or joined. fo-und or termination, but make no proper rhyme. It is alfo ufed, in a more generalfenfe, for a colledion ASSOS, a fea-port town of Natolia, fituated about of various things' fo difpofed and diverfified that the twelve miles fouth-eaft of Troas, in 27° 3c/ E. long, and 38° 30' N. lat. whole produces fome agreeable effed. ASSESSOR, an inferior officer of juftice, appointed ASSUMPSIT, a voluntary or verbal promife, whereby chiefly to affif the Ordinary judge with his opinion and a perfon affumes, or takes upon him to perform or pay any thing to another. advice. Assessor is alfo one who aflefles, or fettles taxes and ASSUMPTION, a feftival in the Romifh church, in honour of the miraculous afcent of the Virgin Mary other public dues. ASSEVERATION, apofitive and vehement affirmation into heaven : the Greek church, who alfo obferve this feflival,- celebrate it on the fifteenth of Auguft with of fomething. ASSIDEANS, in Jewifh antiquity. See Has si- great ceremony. Assumption, in logic, is the minor or fecond propofideans. ASS1ENTO, a Spanifh word fignifying a farm, in com- tion in a categorical fyllogifm. merce, is ufed for a bargain between the king of Assumption is alfo ufed for a confequence drawn Spain and other powers, for importing negroes into from the propofitions whereof an argument is comthe Spanifh dominions in America, and particularly pofed. to Buenos Ayres. The firft afliento was made by Assumption, in geography, a city of S. America, fithe French Guinea company ; and, by the treaty of tuated near the mouth of the river Plata, and on the Utrecht, transferred to the'Englifh, who were to fur- oppofite fhore to Buenos Ayres, in 6o° W. long, and 34° S. lat. nifh four thoufand eight hundred negroes annually. ASSIGN, in common law, a perfon to whom a thing ASSUMPTIVE arms, in heraldry, are fuch as a perfon has a right to affume, with the approbation of his fois afligned or made over. ASSIGNEE, in law, a perfon appointed by another vereign, and of the heralds : Thus, if a perfon, who to do an ad, tranfad fome bufinefs, or enjoy a parti- has no right by blood, and has no coat of arms, fhall captivate, in any lawful war, any gentleman, noblecular commodity. ASSIGNING, in a general fenfe, is the giving over a man, or prince, he is, in that cafe, intitled to bear right to another ; and in a fpecial fenfe is ufed to fet the ihield of that prifoner, and enjoy it to him and forth and point at, as to aifign an error, to aflign falfe his heirs for ever. judgment, to affign wafte ; in which cafes it mufl ASSURANCE,' or Insurance, in commerce. See be fhewn wherein the error is committed, where Insurance. and how the judgment is unjuft, and where the wafte ASSUROR, a merchant, or other perfon, who makes out a policy of aflurance, and thereby infures a fliip, • . is committed. ASSIGNMENT, the transferring the interefl one has houle, or the like. ASSYRIA, an ancient empire of Afia, comprehending in a leafe, or other thing, to another perfon. ASSIMILATION, in phyfics, is that motion by which the modern provinces of Curdiftan, Diarbec, and Ibodies convert other bodies related to them, or at rac-arabic. leaft fuch as are prepared to be converted, intQ their ASSYTH, or Assythment, in Scots law, fignifies own fubftance and nature. Thus, flame multiplies it- an indemnification made to an injured party. See felf upon oily bodies, and generates new .flame ; air Scots Law, tit. Crimes. upon water, and produces new air; and all the parts, ASTER, in botany, a genus of the fyngenefia polygaas well fimilar as organical, in vegetables and animals, mia fuperflua clafs. The receptacle is naked; the firfl: attrad with fome eledion or choice, nearly the pappus is fimple; the rays of the corolla are ten ; and fame common or not very different juices for aliment, the calix is imbricated. The fpecies are thirty-fix, only one of which, viz. the tripolium, or fea-flarand afterwards aflimilate or convert them to their wort, is a native of Britain. own nature. ASSIS, ,in natural hiftory, a term ufed to denote opi- ASTERABAT, a city of Perfia, capital of a province the fame name, 0fituated on the fouthern fhore of the um, or the powder of hempfeed, which being form- ofCafpian fea, in 54 E.long. and 370 0,0' N. lat. ed into bolufles is fwailowed by the Egyptians, who ASTERIA, in natural hiftory, a beautiful pellucid gem are thereby intoxicated. variable colours,, as viewed in different lights; ASSISER, or Assizer, of 'weights and irieafurts, an ofcalled alfo oculus cats, or cat's eye. The variable coofficer who has the overfight of thofe things. See lours, which are a pale brown,and whitej feem to be Clerk of the market. lodged deep in the ftone, and fhift about as it is, moASSIZE, in law. See Jury. which, ASSOCIATION of ideas, is where two or more ideas ved. It is nearly allied to the opals; fromhowever.