Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/587

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XXX (487) XXX

487 astronomy. Flamjleed. Ptolemy. Tycho. The ancient Conftellations. 64 18 The Serpent Serpens 13 The Arrow 5 5 Sagitta 5 The Eagle 7 23 Aquila, Vullur Antinous 3 19 Antinous The Dolphin 146 Delphinus The Horfe’s Head Equulus, Equi fetti 0 89 38 The Flying Horfe Pegafas, Equus 66 23W 23 Andromeda 4712 Andromeda 16 The Triangle Triangulum 4 271 66 18 The Ram Aries 141 The Bull 5 Taurus 43 44 38 The Twins 85 Gemini 25 2523 29 The Crab 83 Cancer 1530 The Lion 7 49 95 Leo Berenice’s Hair 3 43 Coma Berenices 14 110 32 The Virgin Virgo 33 The Scales 5i Libra, Chelx 17 The Scorpion Scorpius 44 24 69 The Archer Sagittarius 3i28 The Goat 51 Capricornus 29 108 The Water-bearer 47 Aquarius 45 4136 1x3 The Fifties Pifces 39 38 The Whale 97 45 Cetus 78 62 38 Orion Orion 84 Eridanus, the River 2716 Eridanus, Fluvius 34 The Hare Lepus W 13 The Great Dog Canis major 31 132 The Little Dog Canis minor 14 The Ship Argo Navis 64 3 60 The Hydra Hydra 19 The Cup Crater 3 31 7 The Crow Corvus 9 4 7 The Centaur Centaurus 35 37 The Wolf Lupus 24 W The Altar Ara 129 The Southern Crown 137 Corona Auflralis 18 The Southern Filh Eiicis Auftralis 24. Hevel. Flamft. The new Southern Conftellations. Afterion & Chara The Greyhounds 23 23 Cerberus Cerberus 4 Noah’s Dove Columba Noachi Vulpecula& Anfer The Fox and Goofe 27 35 Robur Carolinum The Royal Oak. Scutum Sobieftd Sobielld’s Shield 7 Grus The Crane Lacerta The Lizard _ .10 Phoenix The Phenix Camelopardalus. The Camelopard 32 5816 Indus The Indian Monocerns The Unicorn 19 Bavo The Peacock Sextans The Sextant 11 3i4i Apus, Avis Indices The Bird of Paradife Apis, Mufca The Bee or Fly There is a remarkable track'round the heavens, callChamaeleon The Chameleon ed the Milky Way, from its peculiar whitenefs, which Triangulum Auftralis The South Triangle was formerly thought to be owing to a vaft number of Pifcis volans, PaJJ'er The Flying, Fifti very fmall ftars therein : but the telefcope ftiews it to be Dorado, Xiphias The Sword Fifti quite otherwife ;. and therefore its whitenefs muft be owThe American Goofe Toucan ing to fome other caufe. This track appears fingle inThe Water Snake. Hydrus fome parts, in others double. There are feveral little whitifti fpots in the heavens, Hevelius's Cancellation: made out of the unformed Stars. which appear magnifted, and more luminous when feenHevel. Flamfl. through telefcopes ; yet without any itars in them. One Lynx The Lynx 19 44 of thefe is in Andromeda’s girdle, and was firft obferved lieo minor The Little Lion 53 A.D. 1612, by Simon Marius: it has fome whitifti rays