Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/725

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XXX (615) XXX

B O O K - K E E P I N G. JOURNAL. JOURNAL. ( 12 ) j l. Is. d. —December 18th.—December 27 th.9 Cajh Dr to Canary in company •with Simon King Cajh Dr to Ship Phoenix in company ’wit! and John Oker, 177/. 12/. George Kent, 22/. Received for 6 pipes, 3129/. 12/. 1177 Received in full for freight,, Simon King his accompt in company Dr to George Kent his accompt in company Dr to ditto ditto his accompt -proper, 59/. 4/. his accompt-proper, l. For his y fhare of 177/. 12/. received for For his half lhare of 22 /. received as freight, Canary, - ' ■28th. Mr Jones and company Dr to Ship Phoenix John Oker, ditto. company •with George Kent, Tool. —20th.Sold ditto {hip, to pay at 3 months, Sundries Drs to James Fuller, 30/. /. George Kent his accompt in company Dr to ditto Cafo, received in compofition of his ? 2 00 his accompt proper, 3 50/. debt, r For his half {hare, Oil in company 'with S. King andl 1 _ — 30th. John Oker, abated him, 3 ° Houfe expenses Dr to Cajh, 200/. Expended fince the 1 ft oiJanuary laft, . 1 o Simon King his accompt-proper Dr to ditto his .10!j Foraccompt in company, his -i fliare of 18 /. 61. abated Q john Oker, ditto. -24th.Sundries Drs to Canary in company ’with S. King and J. Oker, 150/. /. /. S. King his accompt in company, for} 2 pipes taken to himfelf, as his C 50 03 (bare of what remains, } 7. Oker his accompt in company, for 7 ditto, .

50 00

Canary, for 2 pipes retained, as my 7 50 00 /hare. - 3 ( ii )

Von. I. No. 16.


60$ s.d.