Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/734

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R O O K-K D G E R.

N' 1769 James TVright, dug, 31 To Sundries, as per Journal,



1769' Contra, Cr Aug. 30 By //. V.Beekhisacct-cur. for cooperage,

Dr 1769 Bills payable, Sept, ToCaJlr, paid TVil. Sabin Van Beck’s bill.

Cr j 176? j Contra, Sept. 3 By H. V.Beek his acc-cur. for 1 at 6 days,1 7 i 1 Contra, Cr I Flemijh. j /. s. d. 1769 Sept, 39 Bills receivable, j at 34/. for - - 3 I ^ 4 238 o8t 238 o84 Contt'a, 1769 60 00 • 0(i. > By Sundries, as per Journal, 5 By Sundries, as per Journal, 60

John Perkins my ? 1Jr Fiemijh. 3769 acct-current, S 1. s. d. Sept ToVoy. toHamb. at 34/. $d. 40s 5 To Profit and Lofs Edward Hopkins my ac- Dr 1769 compt in company, Oil. oToCaJh, paid 4 lhareof lohhds tobacco; yToCambrics, formy4lbareof 3/. To Profit and Lofs, gained. j Edward Hopkins my ac- ne 3 1769 I compt proper, C£l, 91T0 Cambrics, for h is 4 lhare of 40 ps. at 3 /. 56 Dr I Pieces, 3769 Stuff's, ca. 21 To James Ward, at 2/. 8/. for 90 To Profit and LoJ's, gained, |

Contra, 1769 oa. : By Cafh, received in full. 216 oc 9

James Ward, To Balance due to him,

Cr j Pieces. 1759 Contra, Nov, 1 SjBy Voyage to Lisbon in corn- 7 1 90 pany, at 2/. 10/. for 3 1 Cr 1759 oa. : ByContra, Stuffs, to pay at 3 months,

Ship Phoenix in company 7 -^r 3769 ' with George Kent, 5 ca, Vo Sundries, asJournal, l^WoCaJh, paid repairs To Cajh, paid premium on 600/. Vo G.Kent his acct in Co. for his 4 gained. To Profit and Lofs, for my half gained. George Kent his accompli ^ in company, 5 1769 on. To ditto his accompt proper for his 4 °f 1 month’s freight, no- 29 To ditto his aceompt-proper, for 4 of 5 pipes of fherry, Dec. To ditto his acct prop, for 4 of4 pip.fherry Hcv jTo ditto his acct prop, for 4 of freight, Dec. 28 To ditto his aceompt-proper for 4 °f Pltenixy, fold,, l

Contra, 1769 2<iBy Cafh for 1 month’s freight, oa. Cafh, for 1 month’s freight, 1000 Dec, lyPty 28 By Mr Jones and company, fold oopo IS 5

1000. 0100 oopo 3 50 oopc


Cr Contra, 1769 oa. By Ship Phoenix in Co. for his j fhare, By ditto his acct proper, for half repairs, By ditto his acct prop, for his 4 of prem . By ditto his acct proper, for his half of 9 pipes fherry, By ditto his Meet proper, for his half carriage, &c. By ditto his acct prop, for his 4 of commif. ByM. Phoenix in Co. for his 4 fhare gained, By Sherry in camp, for his half gained,

22 oojoo yoopojoo

32000 80s

3 34403 i 4-991400