Page:Essays On The Gita - Ghose - 1922.djvu/223

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culties which the reasoning mind of man is likely to offer to it. It is true that the physical Avatarhood does not fill a large space in the Gita, but still it does occupy a definite place in the chain ofits teachingsand is implied in the whole scheme, the very framework being the Avatar leading the wvzbhiiti, the man who has risen to the greatest heights of mere manhood, to the divine birth and divine works. No doubt, too, the inner des- cent of the Godhead to raise the human soul into himself is the main thing,—it is the inner Christ,Krishna or Buddha that matters. But just as the outer life is of immense importance for the inner development, so the external Avatarhood is of no mean importance for this great spiritual manifestation. The consummation in the mental and physical symbol assists the growth of the inner reality ; afterwards the inner reality expresses itself with greater power in a more perfect symbolisation + of itself through the outer life. Between these two, spiritual reality and mental and physical expression, acting and returning ujon each other constantly the manifestation of the Divine in humanity has elected to move always in the cycles of its concealment and itsrevelation,