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being one day aſked by a nobleman what ſort of a day it would be to-morrow? He anſwered, that before high noon, a blaſt ſhould blaw, that Scotland ſhould not overcome the evil Seeds thereof for twenty years therafter. The nobleman, and many more being greatly amazed, and giving greatly attention, looking for the blaſt all the morning till towards evening, he ſent for Thos. to rebuke him for the falſehood of the prophecy; and juſt as he began to upbraid him, he heard the ſound of the poſt horn who came with the woefull news that the king had been hunting, and broke his neck over a craig on the weſt ſide of the town of Kinghorn, from which accident the town derived it's name Now ſays Thos. the blaſt is blawn. For 20 years after there was no peace, but bloody wars in Scotland, on account of who ſhould be king.

As to the account of the reſt of his prophetical ſayings, they are hard to be ſo underſtood becauſe they pointed out the coats of arms, which appertain to ſo many different kingdoms and perſons.

Yet we obſerve how he has pointed out plainly, many things which has come to paſs in our days, ſuch as the extirpation of the noble race of Stuarts ihe revolution,