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FFC 90
850—999 Novella.

frozen, kills it and eats its unborn young. He drinks water under lamp in chapel) III *i + Mt 570 I, II, III b, IV a (Truths) b. 2. LRAC no 133: I, II (He feeds poisoned bread to dog which dies. Two birds eat dog's flesh and die. Seven birds eat the two birds and die. He sees dead ass under bridge and two birds singing on rail. He finds a dying hare, takes out its unborn young and roasts them over fire made with leaves from old massbook. He drinks water under lamp in church), III *e, IV *c. nc 1. ECPE no 6: II (He kills mare, takes out its unborn colt alive and makes a cape from mare's skin. He rides colt to palace. On way he sees a culiblanca with bunch of grapes in its beak. He kills it, and puts juice from grapes in bottle), III *g + Mt 570 I, II, III c (Princess to buy rabbit must kiss mule under tail), IV a b.

*A. King offers princess to one who can guess where she sleeps. She would give suitors wine which put them to sleep. Hero does not drink wine and follows her over pine across ditch and as wind through keyhole. He takes three forks, heads of three partridges and a handkerchief as proof. oc 1. ECPE no 12: Mt 851 *A + Mt 570 I. II, III b (To buy rabbit), IV a b.
852 *A. Princess will marry only one who can lie more than she. Hero says he planted palmtree which grew so fast it carried him up with it and he arrived in Heaven just in time for marriage of the eleven thousand virgins [X 922], etc. etc. Princess admits he can lie more than she. She will not marry him but appoints him director of the Gazette [X 452] where he continues his lying. an 1. COAR p. 78 = CST p. 80. For descent on moonbeam see Libro de los ejemplos no VII.