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FFC 90
1200—1999 Joke and anecdote.

ride into church. People run out, saying priest has entered church with Devil. oc 1. ECPE no 189.

1538. as 1. LRAC no 190 (Thieves steal boy's calf. Disguised as woman he becomes their cook, beats captain and escapes with their money. He does the same disguised as doctor; and as priest, this time setting fire to their house). oc 1. ECPE no 192 (While boy sleeps, friars steal his goats. Disguised as poor friar he beats one friar and collects money. Disguised as doctor he returns and does same. He gets a fast runner to impersonate him, and while friars are chasing runner, he enters, beats sick friar and collects more money).
1539. Cf Mt *166, Mt 1535 II and III and Mt *1846.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 58 no 89; XXXVII 326; 327 no 40.
1540. Cf Mt 1846—Mt 1854.
1541. as 1. CTA p. 164: Mt *1389 + Mt 1541 (Foolish wife gives ham to beggar who claims to be "Long May").
1542. VI a Cf Mt 1535 V a.
1544. BLC III 68.
*1546. Ship's captain agrees to let Galician ride free if he can sing a song which pleases captain. He sings that he should pay captain. This pleases captain, hence Galician rides free. an 1. COAR p. 66.
*1550 A. Quack sells flea powder to women. He explains how to use it: Catch the flea, open its mouth and place the powder inside, thus it will die [K 1955].
BLC II 234.
as 1. CTA p. 232.
B. Thieves steal from the church. Fool claims to be fortune teller and promises to reveal who committed the theft if people will parade him through streets.