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FFC 90
1200—1999 Joke and anecdote.
*1703. Fool asks mother for bonbons to give his sweetheart and eats them himself [J 2771]. He spills wine and puts down cheeses to walk over spilt wine [J 1887]. He brings needles in sack of straw [J 1872.1]. Cf Mt 1685. Mother tells him to pay no more than 24 dollars for pig. He is offered one for 20 dollars but pays 24 dollars for it [J 2471]. He sends it home alone [J 1909.2]. He drags jar on string and breaks it [J 2478]. Men place hampers on top of one another to measure tower. They lack two. Fool has them take out two on bottom [J 2148.1]. Cf Mt 121 and Mt 1250. oc 1. ECPE no 186: Mt *1703 + Mt 1210.
*1705. Fool tells mother sheep died. She tells him to give it grass. Steer dies and he receives same answer. A contest is held in palace to see who can fit pine to hole without seeing hole first. Fool asks to see hole. He marries. Wife beats him. He flees under bed and asks God for patience. Wife tells him it is courage he needs [X 822]. oc 1. ECPE no 188.
*1707. Prince plans to go courting. Leaves orders to be wakened early. Overconscientious servant disturbs him several times during the night; but causes him to make his journey quickly by arousing his jealousy. [an] 1. ST p. 99.

[1710—1719 Tailor].

Cf Mt 800 and Mt 1096.
BLC II 18 and 196.

[1710—1714 Cowardice].

Cf Mt 1640.
*1710. a) Tailor boasts of his valor. He is pushed into millpond. His wife beats him and chases him under the bed [W 260].