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FFC 90
1200—1999 Joke and anecdote.

Libro de los ejemplos no VII. Calila y Dimna ed Bib. de Aut. Esp. LI p. 15.
as 1. LRAC no 130.

B. Shepherd sees old lady with rosary. He makes one out of wood. He comes to mass and hangs his sack on a sunbeam. Priest sends him back to mountains and tells him he is nearer God than priest. Shepherd returns and birds come out singing to meet him. as 1. LRAC no 131.
1825 *D. Boy who has been studying for priesthood sees various things (turnip, toad, goat, skull, etc.) on way home. He delivers a sermon telling of things he saw and Latinizing the words [K 1961]. as 1. LRAC no 153. nc 1. ECPE no 60.
*1829. Priest lives with his housekeeper. His three cocks sing, "What passes here — cannot be tolerated — the priest sleeps with his housekeeper." He kills one but the remaining two sing the same song. He kills another. The third cock decides it is wise to keep silent. oc 1. ECPE no 263.
1831. as 1. LRAC no 154. 2. CTA p. 247. (Goes to steal bacon).
*A. Priest tells cook to prepare porridge for visitors. He keeps flour locked up and he has the key. In mass he sings instructions to cook for finding the key [X 441.1]. Or, more visitors come unexpectedly and priest sings to cook to put their food in shallow dish [X 441.2]. as 1. LRAC no 155. 2. CTA p. 246.
*B. Priest during mass or wife while dancing sings instructions to cook or husband for preparing food. as 1. LRAC no 97. 2. CTA p. 221.
*C. Priest while singing mass warns thief to return his loot and pretends to know who thief is. Thief returns the stolen goods. Or, priest tells king