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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

p, 650—699; to make wishes come true, 652, 675.

Prayer breaks enchantment, 307; Death tricks man into finishing p, 332; for a husband, 1476; revives dead wife, 612; Wait till Lord's Prayer is said, 1199.

Praying geese escape fox, 227; Peter struck for p, 791.

Precepts, Good p, 910—914.

Pregnancy from eating fish, 303, 705, or snow, 1362; from objects, 301, 303, 708; from wish, 675.

Pretended murder or fight to decoy judge, 1525.

Pretending ghosts eat figs, *1532; not to eat, *1374; to hold up roof, 9 A; to sleep till food is brought out, *1020; to stab self in order to run faster, *1075; Wife p to die, 1365 *D.

Price of ass publicly announced, *1550 C.

Pride punished, 836.

Priest and housekeeper exposed by cock, *1829; and shoemaker's wife, 1360 C; as ghost is killed, 326; Dishonest p, 831; had a carriage (Repetition), *2227; in mass sings instructions to cook, 1831 *A and *B; jealous of flageolet player, *1844; Man becomes p and escapes Devil, 811*; Pure shepherd nearer God than p, *1805 B; shoots corpse, 1537 *A.

Priest's cow stolen, 1735 A*; gestures remind old lady of her ass, 1834; guest and eaten chicken, 1741; hog stolen, 1735 *B, 1800 C; words applied by thief to himself, *1800 D.

Prince and armbands, 590; and storm, 932*; as bird, 432; as serpent, 433; Heroine marries p, 870—879; marries shepherdess, 930 *A; on wedding journey, 516—518; recognizes lost bride by locket, *932; whose wishes came true, 652.

Prince's wings, 575.

Princess, Birthmarks of p, 850; cannot solve riddle, 851; caught with her own words, 853; confined in mound, 870; flees to wood to escape marriage, 888*; Hiding from p, 329; in shroud, 307; loves barber, *857; must say "No", 853, or "That is a lie", 852; must talk, *860; on glass mountain, 530; rescued, 300, 303, 506, *959; transformed into deer, 401; Ugly p, *865; Ungrateful p, 870 *B; who murdered her child, 781.

Princess' hand is won, 850—869.

Princesses stolen, 301.

Prodigal's return, 935.

Profitable exchange, 1655.