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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

in the palace. *d When she looks at him, a drop of wax from candle becomes a pin, sticks in his head and transforms him into a dove. She frees him by removing the pin. Cf Mt 408 III a b, IV *b, Mt 306 *A and Mt 311 *A. *e She regains him by restoring his clothes.

New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 402 no 2. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 607 no 12; XXVII 179 no 15; XXXIX 291 no 21.
an 1. FBE p. 17—18, 89—96, 239—44, 244—68: I *f, III c¹, IV a e (Disguised as man serves as page to queen) c *g, V *c. as 1. LRAC no 1: I d (Promises to give lion first thing he meets on arrival home), III c³, IV a e (Disguised as man serves as soldier) b (Tests of sex), V *c. ex 1. BTPE X 217 = ETE p. 25: I *f, III c¹, IV *h, V *d. 2. BTPE X 139 = ETE p. 129: I d³, III c¹ (Sister), V *e (Restores clothes). 3. BTPE X 242: Sex reversal I d³, III c¹, IV a c, V *b. nc 1. ECPE no 127: I *g, III b, IV a, V a *b. 2. no 126: I d³ (Mother), III c¹, IV f, V (Enchanted prince appears to save her from angry suitors she has deceived. He marries her). oc 1. ECPE no 128: I d e, II b, III a, IV a b c, V a *b. x 1. HCWT p. 9: I d³ e, III c*⁴, IV *i, V (He appears and marries her).
A. nc 1. ECPE no 130: I a b, II b, III c, IV a b c*¹, V a *b.
B. Cf introd to Mt *959.
an 1. COAR p. 62 (Forced to marry one who solves the riddle. Acquires his hump. Finally rids herself of it and marries prince she loves) = CST p. 141.
C. "K. Grosse folgt in seinem 'spanischen Ammenmärchen' Prinzessin Juana Spanische Novellen 1794, I, 147, offenbar Gräfin Aulnoy"; see BP II 262.
as 1. CTA p. 66: I d d¹, II d (By declaring her love