Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/61

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that trembled a little, they ignited the big wicks, first having raised the extinguishers that Mr. Floyd had accidentally pulled down over them in his fall.

The machinery, that made the glass prisms turn, was still in motion, not having been stopped since it was set going early in the evening, so with this the boys had nothing to do. As soon as they had lighted the lantern, the welcome flash went sparkling out over the waters of the cove, to warn captains off the dangerous rocks.

"And now we'd better get down and help Mr. Floyd," said Bob, when they had made sure that the lantern was going all right, and would not smoke. "I guess we'd better get a doctor."

"I think so, too," added Frank. "Too bad about your wreckers, Sammy," he went on, with a laugh.

"Aw, quit your fooling!" exclaimed the lad who sometimes let his imagination run away with him. "Something like that might have happened, anyhow."

"Yes, it might," admitted Bob. "But it didn't."

"I'm sure there's something queer about that man with the lantern we saw," continued Sammy. "He's after that pirate gold, I'm positive."

"Well, he does act queer," admitted Frank. "We can have a try for his secret, as soon as we get this lighthouse business fixed up."

"We do seem to run into the queerest things," remarked Bob. "If it isn't one thing it's another."

"I like it!" exclaimed Sammy, who was always on the lookout for something to happen. That it seldom did take place never discouraged him.

"Well, is everything all right?" asked Mr. Floyd, as the boys came down stairs.

"Yes," answered Frank. "The lantern is going all right."