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Practical Lessons.
§ 161

The ayes have it. The amended amendment is adopted. The question now recurs on the amended resolution, Resolved, That school examinations as tests for promotion are injurious to children and should be abolished. Are you ready for the question? As many as favor the amended resolution say aye. . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted.

161, The resolution on school examinations (Sec. 160) is before the assembly and debate is being had on the amendment inserting the words “as tests for promotion” after the words examinations.

Mr. Colvin (obtaining the floor): I move the previous question on the amendment.

Mr. Kempf (rising): I second the motion.

The Chairman: The previous question is moved and seconded on the amendment. (This requires a two-thirds vote). The question before you is “Shall the vote on the amendment be now taken?” (Undebatable). As many as favor ordering the pre-