Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/277

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Collectanea. 249

The following " Recettes Medicales d'autrefois a Jersey " are culled from a Ms. of the seventeenth century, in my possession :

For an Andicome fesires. R Five joynts of an oke burnt to a cole, 3 spoonfulls of soot, halfe a handfull of rue, leaven a pretty lumpe, and barrows grease or rusty bakon a pretty piece, being well beaten together and applyed.

For surdite [deafness]. Take ye water y' falls from ye end of green hazeal boughs, ye other ends being in ye fire, and mingle it w"' ye juyce of leeks heads, and droj:) therof into ye eare, and lye upon ye tother eare, doe this often and it will help.

For a burn. Verpis of grapes and juyce of unsett leeks, put together and wett a linen cloth on y'" and lay it upon ye burn half an hower, then annoint it w'*^ oyle of yolke of eggs.

For a bruise in y' body. Take barley malt well ground, boile it in strong ale w^ unwashed wool so much as is needeful, boile it till it be very thick then lay it with ye black wool to ye place grieved, if ye bones be neither broken nor out of joint it will assuredly helpe.

For an ach in any place iv here soever, lake bulls' galls or any beast gall, slit y"* and put y*" in a pan, and sett him on the fire and skimm y'" cleane, then take a handful of arsmart or culvage and of lavendar and ambrose of each a handful stamp them together and fry them with barrowes grease and apply them.

For ye stone. Take an egg, ye white being put out, fill it with hony and a little saxifrage water, drinke it z dayes before and 2 dayes after ye full of ye moon.

Ricketts. A young puppy dog, head and feet chopt off; then slitt all along ye belly and applied presently invard and all hott as it is to ye childs right side over night and taken away in ye morning and another next night and so for 3 times.

Ad sciatica. R Oyle olife lb ij, butter tryed lb ij, mellis lb ij Vv oi'j cyrnin and baccar lauri Siiij super igne unguent quo ungatur aeger contra ignem and rub him w'^ thy hand fayre against ye fire 3 dayes and 3 nights by and by, then wrap ye place w'^ black lamb skins, warm and cover him for feare of cold.

A restorative for a man or woman that continueth long sick and can eate no meate. Take sugar and sene powder of each 3jzz and cynam of each half 5, sens anis 3j, long pepper sij, powder