Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/199

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Catalogue of Brand Material.


Common Rights entered upon. locality.

Overseers of common lands appointed (following Sunday),

who must provide a town bull Isle of Ely (Whittlesea). Common of pasture re-opened

(closed, Michaelmas) - - Epping Forest (Havering

at-the-Bower). Right of lopping wood began at midnight on Eve (bonfire and

beer) ----- Epping Forest (Lough- ton).


L Name. ? IL Natural Phenomena.

FaUing stars forebode trouble to Wales -----

Owls hooting forebode evil to the village -----

Geese standing on ice forebode mire at Christmas - - - -

Weather foretold by the bladebone of a sheep or pig, or the merry- thought of a bird

South W'ales.




in. Local Customs.

Hiring Fair ; bonfire on Eve Wheat must be sown before Llan- madoc Mabsant, West Gower.^ (dedication festival, St. Madog, 12th Nov.).

Carnarvonsh. (Nevin).

Pembrokeshire (Llan- madoc).


Business Transactions.

Term-time for both situations and

tenancies ----- General. " Feeing " or hiring fairs - - Dumfries (Martinmas

Wednesday), etc., etc. " Foy," the ploughman's farewell

supper ----- Fife.

1 If sown later, it will lie in the ground forty days before it begins to spring. Pie of chopped mutton and currants eaten.