Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/497

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St. Declan, 87

St. Derbhile, 203

St. Edmund the King, 53, 169

St. Enda : legends of, 194

St. Fechin, 200

St. Fiannan, 200

St. Finan's Eve, 29S

St. Gregory, Gregoire, 198

St. Hugh, 53

St. Katherine, 53, 172 ; legends of, 173

St. Kieran, 200

St. Leo, 202

St. Magnus, 298

St. Marcan, 204

St. Martin's Day, 164, 168 ; Eve of, 168 ; legends of, 169

St. Nicholas' Day, 297

St. Nun : well of, 314

St. Patrick ; legends of, 18S et seqq.

St. Roc, Salroc, 201

St. Siennach Mac Dara, 200

St. Thomas' Day, 299, 450

St. Tibba's Day, 298

Saints in West Ireland, 188

Samhain : Hallowmas, 67

Samoa : native myths from, 94 et seqq.

Sauin : Hallowmas, 79

Saumas Day : Hallowmas, 54

Scotland : Easter Eggs in, 450

Script in Easter Island, 374

Second sight in Lincolnshire, 326

Serbia : habits and customs of, 36 et seqq. ; conservatism of women, 45 ; live groups of habits and customs, 36 ; biblio- graphy of customs, 50 et seq. ; early history of, 37

Serpents : expelled from Ireland by St. Patrick, 189

Servants : hiring of, on Lord Mayor's Day, 166

Seven Churches : traditions of, 311 et seq.

Seven Princes : cult of, 198

ShaUots : planting of, 317

Sliiah sect of Muhammadans, the, 280, 285

Shift, washed : hung up to dry at Christmastide, 418

Shimei curses David, 134 et seq.

Shoes, new : tabu at Christmas- tide, 419

Shony, the sea-god : propitiation of. 73

Shooting the Guy, 82

Sin-eating, 308

Sister's son and the duel, 320

et seq. Situations, tenancies : terminated

on 9th November, 167 Smith, V. A. : review of Mrs. Meer

Hassan Ali, Observations on the

Mussulmauns of India, 334 et

seq. Snap-apple Night : Hallowmas,

74 Snotching Night : Hallowmas, 61 Sogram's Stone : haunted by the

Devil, 62 Solomon Islands : affinity of

customs with those of Easter

Island, 366 Souling, soul-caking : at Hallow

E'en. 57. Souling Day : Hallowmas, 54 Sounds, uncanny : heard at

Christmastide, 418 Sow Day, 17th December, 298 Sowing ritual in Formosa, 120 Spain : bull-fights in, 161 Spell and prayer, 271 Spinning : tabu at Christnaastide,

419 Spirits of the dead : in Formosa,

I iS ; power of seeing at Christ- mastide, 417 Sports at Christmastide, 426 Squirrel hunting on St. Andrew's

Day, 176 Stafford, Earl of : legend of, 445 Statues in Easter Island, 351, 357,

369 Stone, holy : creeping under, 58 ;

stones cast in cursing, 136 Sudderan : legend of, 449 et

seq. Suds : tabu of, at Christmastide,

419 Suicide in Formosa, 117

Tabus : at Christmastide, 419 ; in Formosa, 121, 124 ; on St. Martin's Day, 168 ; on St. Thomas' Day, 304

Take : a ceremony in Easter Island, 353

Tammas-mas E'en, 20th Novem- ber, 303

Tandering Day : St. Andrew's Day, 175

Tattooing in Easter Island, 353