Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/77

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Serbian Habits and Customs. 45

Among all nations traditions have an extraordinary resistance; they exist although harmful and ridiculous and even when their raison d'etre has disappeared. It is not, therefore, surprising that a certain number of habits and customs still remain among the Serbians. This Serbian people has a real tenderness towards the customs and traditions in the past, when means of existence were very hard under a foreign domination which lasted during centuries, and which, in certain provinces, still exists. It was the traditions and customs, as well as the language, which contributed to preserve their national individuality and the existence of the Serbian people. Although in free Serbian countries the habits and customs have lost their raison d^etre and in some provinces have given place to the senti- ment of the national individuality, the multitude of the Serbian people would believe it to be a sin to let them entirely disappear. The nation still believes that, by the practice of the same habits and customs, she manifests her national unity. She keeps them under a benign form, excusing herself by saying, "Our ancestors did so" {Tako je ostalo od nasi// starili) or " It must be done likewise " {Tako se vatja), or, in quoting the old proverbs, "Our customs are our laws " {Sto Je od obicaja, to je od Zakona), " It is better to sell the country tlian to lose her traditions" {Bolje je rjeinlju prodafi, nego joj obicaje izgubiti), " The destruction of a village is preferable to the forfeiture of her habits" {Bo/je je da selo propadne nego ?i sein obicaj).

Generally, women are more conservative than men. That is why among Serbian women, specially among the peasants, the habits and customs are more living than among their men. They practise them in their work, prayers, social relationships, etc. If, however, men con- sider the customs useful or pretty, or an expression of Serbian nationality, they keep them as a noble and dear inheritance of which they are justly proud.