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Minutes of Meetings.

The Meeting terminated with hearty votes of thanks to Miss Durham for her paper and to Mr. Carline for exhibiting his objects.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th, 1921.

Dr. Hildburgh in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Miss E. H. Blane, Mr. Hugh E. A. Rose and the Rev. F. Ozanne as members of the Society was announced.

The resignations of the Rev. Dr. Bussell and Mr. T. Fairman Ordish were also announced.

Mr. R. Grant Brown read a paper entitled "Pre-Buddhist Religion of the Burmese," which was profusely illustrated by lantern slides; and in the discussion which followed the Chairman, Miss Murray and Prof. Baudis took part.

The Meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Grant Brown for his paper.

'WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th, 1921.

The President (Dr. W. H. R. Rivers) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Mr. Philip A. S. Foster and Sr. José Miguel de Barandiaran as members of the Society, and the enrolment of the University of London and the Ohio State University Library as subscribers was announced.

Mr. G. R. Carline exhibited (a) three metal tram tokens, each of the value of one fare (30 centimes), and used as currency in Milan for that amount, 1920; (b) two similar