Page:For Remembrance (ed. Repplier) 064.jpg

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Behold! In all these ways we knew Thy way!
Our will inclined to Thine, Thou Shepherd dear;
From hill and valley following all day,
Behold us at Thy voice assembled here
Within the fold we knew, by waters still and clear.

Speak to our hearts to-day! With deep emotion
Our voices pleading join a greater cry;
With thousands more across the moving ocean
We praise Thy Heart, and all the reverent sky,
The angel-peopled space, hath heard us from on high.

We praise Thee, and we listen for Thy voice,
The same that spoke long since to her whose fame
Hath made the dying century rejoice;
Who at its young beginning, in Thy name
And for Thy love alone, asserted Thy Heart's claim.

She, holy with a holiness and grace
That bade her follow at Thy kindling glance,
She made her heart Thy dear Heart's dwelling place;
And led through all the lilied fields of France
Thy children to Thy love with love's most swift advance.

Now is Thy servant blessed; and now the south,
With the far north, the radiant east and west,
Give praises for the wisdom of her mouth;
Her deep desire, her soul's unwearied quest
Of hearts to love Thy Heart, wherein her own found rest.

To-day she stands before Thee in the shining
Of Thy high presence; and to-day she pleads,
With all a mother's tenderest divining
Of cares she knows, her children's utmost needs,
And love to them, like light, with consolation speeds.