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Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart.
Read in the Eden Chapel for the Close of the Jubilee, Commemo-
rating the First Hunderd Years of the Society.

O DIVINE LORD, we adore Thee, really present in our midst, and we consecrate ourselves to Thy Sacred Heart forever. We are here to ask pardon for all the sins, errors and omissions of our whole lives; we are here to promise reparation and atonement; we are here to offer thanksgiving for every grace and favor, spiritual and temporal, that each soul has received from life's beginnings up to this hour. We are here to pray for all our beloved ones, absent and present, living and dead. Look upon us with love and compassion from Thy holy Tabernacle, and hear the secret petition of every heart, spoken to Thee in silence.

Nevermore in this world can all who kneel here this moment be united again. We are assembled in Thy Adorable Name, Jesus, and Thou art in our midst, and Mary, Thy Immaculate Virgin Mother, is our Friend and our Witness that we solemnly consecrate our lives to Thee. Thou, alone, knowest the future paths and future needs of every child of the Sacred Heart, and of every religious kneeling here, from the youngest to the oldest. Bless each one, guide each one, and save each one. We give ourselves to the Heart of Jesus. Amen.

  * * *

Thus ended the third day, before the altar, and the nuns, together with all their children, pupils of the past and of the present, felt that there was but one heart and one soul, in one blessing and one hope.