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Shortly after the gondola reached Kishm, Mochanda re-embarked for Constantine, with several well-filled bags of water. Anniston sent one of his Arab servants with him to help guide the craft through the waters. He stood for some time on the rude wharf, gazing after the boat, until it had dissolved itself into the distant yellow haze which hung like a mantle over the horizon, then he turned and sought out his own adobe house.

The ensuing two hours were spent in making up as a Musselman street vender. When he had perfected his disguise to a degree satisfying to himself, he went to the Bazaar of the Holy Eunuch in search of the creditors of Abdulla Pasha.

He made his inquiries shrewdly and reservedly, and when the sun had just passed the zenith he had come across five men who claimed the Pasha owed them great sums of money. Their story of how the debts had been incurred agreed with that of Menehem Sorcha absolutely.

Anniston led the men to one of the coffee houses, and as they sipped the beverage he began: "It has been said that the key of the treasure-room of Abdulla Pasha has been lost. Do I not speak truly?"

"To the minutest detail," was the unanimous response.

Berenice of Constantine