Page:Fremantle Journal and General Advertiser (27 February 1830) p. 1.png

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No. 5.

Fremantle Feby. 27th. 1830.

Voyage to England by way of India or other Ports the fast sailing Barque Egyptian Captn. Lilburn will sail on Thursday the 4th March for freight or passage apply to the Commander on bd, or Mr. P. Dodd, agent Fremantle. The Egyptian will carry an experienced surgeon & has excellent accommodation for Cabins and Steerage Passengers.

Brig "Thomson" This is to give notice the above brig John Hobbs commander now lying in Gages Roads intends sailing for Geographe Bay as early as possible provided a sufficient number of Cabins and Steerage passengers or freight shall offer. For further particulars apply to Captn Hobbs on bd or Mr. Wm Samson, Fremantle or Mr J. Knight, Perth.

For Singapore,

The Hooghly Captn Reeves now lying in Cockburn Sound will sail for the above place in all March she has excellent accommodation for passengers & will carry an experienced surgeon.

For further particulars apply to the commander on board or to T. Peel, Esqr, Clarence.

Horned cattle ex Leda, Sydney in excellent condition for work or slaughter, apply to the Stirling Hotel Fremantle or Mr. O. Smith, Hamilton Hill

Saddled Horses on hire at the Stirling Hotel also a boat to cross the flats at one shilling each person.

R. Thomson

Fremantle 26th. Feby. 1830

Double Brown stout ex "Egyptian" is now on sale at

Phillip Dodd's

26th Feby 1830.


Australian Dapot

R. Lewis begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fremantle & its vicinity that on Monday 8th. Match he intends opening a general wholesale & retail store, Consisting of a large variety of Drapery, Hosiery and Haberdashery Goods. Pickles and preserves of the finest quality A large stock of Kitchen utensils. Cutlery of every description. An assortment of ladies combs & brushes. Guns, pistols, shot belts, Powder Horns, spare ram rods, & a great quantity of other useful Articles too numerous to mention.

N.B: Goods warehoused at a reasonable rate.

A Horse and Coach to let.

To the Editor of the Fremantle Journal

Sir, Being greatly concerned in the future welfare of this Infantines Colony, allow me through the medium of your new undertaking to suggest a reason or two why the holders of stock more particularly Cows & sheep should endeavour to increase and purchase as much of them as lays in their power, the first cost is trifling at present they are of no expense in Keeping. Secondly after the great outlay already expended here is not any likelihood in the future prospect as to its success. Lastly they are on an increase of at least 50 Pr.Ct., the holder of them must in the course of 5 years increase the capital of stock at least 150 Pr.Ct. by that time also the wool will be much ameliorated by the climate — nearly the same as that of Sydney, where it is known the quality of wool improves yearly & this port being nearer to Europe the great mart for all the productions it can be exported there at a much less expense than that of Sydney, while the quality at least is equal in value there can be no hesitation in saying that while the freight from Sydney is from 2 to 2½ per pound it may be exported from this port ½ to ¾ per pound The above will at all times ensure the Western Australia a full demand for his wool. P

To the Editor of the Fremantle Journal.

Sir, do you think it likely that Mr. Martin's act for cruelty to animals will be considered of at this Port

Yours etc. Humanitas.