Page:Gazetteer of the province of Oudh ... (IA cu31924024153987).pdf/452

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pronounced his sentence, and forced him to fly the kingdom. Another account says that the king would not conform to the Musalman laws and precepts as he was bound to by the constitution, and that the Some difference or other of this kind forced him qazi threw up his office. to leave his native land, and following the stream of adventurers that was then pouring into Hindustan, he arrived at Delhi, where he was favourably After marrying his son Aiz-ud-din to received by Sultan Shahab-ud-din. the daughter of Fakhr-ul-^am, the Qazi of Dehli, he was sent to Oudh, which, his descendants say, was assigned to him in jagir by different royal farmans. But his descendant, Qazi Kamal, in the seventh generation had It is said that Qazi Qidw^i found Juggaur in to remit revenue to Delhi. the possession of the Bhar Raja Gans, whom he dispossessed, and colonized a tract of fifty-two villages. He died in Ajodhya, where he was buried, and his tomb lies near the mosque of A'lamglr.

Qazi Mdrtif, son of Qazi Kamdl, gave up the governorship of the proand contented himself with the fifty-two villages his ancestors had Several members of this family have been distinoriginally conquered. guished for their learning, and have held responsible posts under the Delhi & Qazi Shawwal was famous for his knowledge of the law, and emperors. was made qazi at Delhi, and wrote a book called Mir'at-ul-Islam. Qazi Abd-ul Malik was a mansabdar Qazi Muhammad Hamid was also a mansabdar, and received Keshnur in jagir for his troops. Muhammad Qasim commanded a regiment in the Dakhan in the time of Aurangzeb Shekh Fakhrulla was paymaster to the troops in Bengal. vince,

Later members of this family took service with the Oudh kings, and Muhammad Husen, a powerful noble, was at annexation naib of the Minister Ali Naqi Khan. As with many others, his great quest was zamindari, or landed property, and he took advantage of his position to exact hard terms from different small zamindars. During the outbreak he was killed by some one whom he had injured. The taluqdar of Gadia holds other villages in the district of Bara Banki. In Lucknow his estate He is twentieth in descent from Mirak Shah. is assessed at Es. 14,100.


Abid Abid

one of the Dewa Shekhs, and probe descended from Amir Hisam Hajjdji,

Ali, taluqdar of Saidahar, is Ali,

of Saidahar.


fesses to


of Arabia.

His descendants live in what is known as the Hajjdji Muhalla of the town of Dewa. Dewa was one of the first towns that fell into the hands of the Musalmans, and seems to have been taken by Shah Wesh, one of Sayyad Masatid's followers, who attacked it from Satrikh. The town was never recovered by the infidels. Amir Hisam seems to have been a qazi who accompanied some expedition which entered this country shortly afterwards, perhaps in the time of Shahab-ud-din. He had an only son, whom he married to the daughter of Shah Wesh, and he returned to his native country. For a long time the family had no proprietary rights in the pargana. Qazi Allahdad perhaps held Kundri and Karaunda, but it The family, however, became well known, and at different is uncertain. times got villages in jagir. Qazi Mahmud amongst them was most celebrated. It was in his time that the family separated. Q^zi Mahmdd