Page:General History of Europe 1921.djvu/928

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XXXV111 General History oj Europe World War, issues of, 518, 553, 636 ff. ; a reason for extending suffrage to women, 533 n. ; militarism, 600 f. ; national rivalries, 603 f., 609 f. ; Near- Eastern question, 606 ff. ; Ser- bia the center of Slavic discontent, 610; military preparations, 612, 624 f.; Austria's ultimatum, 613; Germans violate Belgian neutrality, 6i3f.; the powers at war (1914), 615; Germany indicted by Ger- mans, 616; France and England against the Germans, 617 ff. ; the Eastern F'ront, 620 ff . ; the belliger- ents at the opening of the second year of the war, 622 ; the war on the sea, 623 ff. ; the British drive on the Western Front, 624 ; Serbia overwhelmed, 625; campaigns of 1916, 625 ff.; aerial warfare, 627; the United States in the war, 629, 641 ff., 650; neutral nations, 633; the Russian Revolution, 633 ff. ; the Western Front (1917), 641 f. ; final efforts of the Germans, 642 ff. ; fall of the Hohcnzollern and Hapsburg dynasties, 647 f . ; terms of the ar- mistice, 649 f. ; cost of the war, 650; Peace of Versailles, 652 ff. ; results for Germany, 654 ; changes in the map of Europe, 655; continued distress and disorder, 659 ; inter- national affairs, 665 f. Worms (vorms), Concordat of, 221 ; diet at, 307, 313 ; Edict of, 313 f. Vriting, 8, 597 ; Egyptian, 1 1 f. ; Sumerian, 24 ; Babylonian, 28 ; Hebrew, 43 ; Cretan, 50 ; Greek, 57; Phoenician, 57; Roman, 120 Writing materials, invention of, 13; earliest, in Europe, 58 Wiirtemberg, 518; king of, 460, 482 Wyc'liffe, John, 284 f. Xavier (zav'ier), Francis, 330 Xenophon (zen'o fon), 92 Xerxes (zerk'sez), 72, 74 Yahveh (ya'we), 42 York, House of, 286 Yorktown, 400 Ypres (e'pr), 643 Yser River (e zer 7 ), 618 Yuan Shih-Kai (y.u an'she ki'), Presi- dent, 580 Za'ma, 134 Zep'pe lins, 627 Zo'di ac, 35 .Z5 ro as'ter, 37 Zwingli, 320 f.