Page:Georges Eekhoud - Escal Vigor, a novel.djvu/93

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"Day of judgment and damnation!" shouted the vixen. "Shame and treble scandal! Our good name gone for ever! Double-dyed whore! What an example for thy brothers and sisters! It is a good thing for thee that thy good honest father is dead. He would have ripped thee open like the bitch thou art."

She demanded full information. "His name? Tell me his name."

"Never; do forgive me for not obeying thee, mother."

"His name? Out with it! Wilt thou not speak?"

A blow followed. Then a second.

"His name?"

"No, Mother!"

"Thou refusest! Ah! we'll see about that! His name I say? For he's got to marry thee."

"Nay, thou would'st not have him for son-in-law, Mother."

"Thou rotten swine? Thou admit'st thyself that he's no good. He is then so low, thy gallant, that we, lousy as we are, are too decent for him? But it's all very fine talking of marriage. The villain who has debauched thee shall have rather a taste of