Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/350

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upon it, the statues of the emperor and two of his judges were sculptured. In a half circle over the head of the right-hand judge was inscribed as follows, "He who regards his own safety and innocence, let him enter here." Similarly over the head of the left-hand judge appeared this scroll, "Banishment or imprisonment is the doom of the envious." In a semi-circle over the emperor's head, was written, "Those whom I made miserable, I recompensed." In like manner, above the gate was inscribed, "In Cæsar's reign, I became the guardian of the kingdom." (55)


My beloved, the emperor is God; the marble gate is the Church, which is placed above a running fountain that is, above the world, which fleets like a water-course. The judges indicate Mary, the mother of Jesus, and John the Evangelist.