Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/478

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And a voyce came from heven and sayd, he sytteth without tofore the entre of the chirche. And so the clerke founde hym, and prayd hym humbly that he wolde come into ye chirche. Whan this myracle came to the knowledge of the people, and Alexis sawe that men dyd to hym honour and worshyp, anone for to eschewe vaynglory he departed fro thens and came into Grece when he toke shyppe, and entred for to go to Cecyle[1], but as god wold there arose a grete wynde which made the shyppe to arryue at the porte of Rome. When Alexis sawe this, anone he sayd to hymselfe, By the grace of god I wyl charge no man of Rome, I wyl go to my fader's hous in such wyse as I shal not be beknowen of ony person. And when he was within Rome he mette Eufemyen his fader which came fro ye palays of ye emperours wh a grete meyny[2] followynge hym. And Alexis hys sone a poore man ranne cryenge and sayd. Sergeaunt of god haue pyte on me that am a poor pylgrym, and receyve me into thy hous for to haue my sustenaunce of ye relefe yt shall come fro thy borde, that god [may] blysse the, and haue pyte on thy sone, which is also a pylgrym. Whan Eufemyen herde speke of his sone, anone his herte began to melt and sayd to hys servauntes, Whiche

  1. Sicily
  2. Many; Norm. Fr. Commonly a household.