Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/480

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that he had gyuen to her at his departynge, and what he had suffered for goddes sake. And all this dyd he for to make his fader to understande that he was his sone. After this whan it pleased god for to shewe and manyfest the vyctory of our lorde Jesu Christ in his servaunt Alexis. On a tyme on a sondaye after masse herynge all the people in the chirche, there was a voyce herde from god cryenge and sayenge as is sayd Mathei undecimo capitulo. Come unto me ye that labour and be trauayled, I shall comfort you. Of which voyce all the people were abasshed, whiche anone fell downe unto the erth. And the voyce sayd agayne. Seche ye the servaunt of god, for he prayeth for all Rome, And they sought hym, but he was not founden.

¶ Alexis in a mornynge on a good frydaye gaue his soul to god, and departed out of this worlde. And ye same daye all the people assembled at Saynt Peters churche and prayed god yt he wolde shewe to them where the man of god myght be founden yt prayed for Rome. And a voyce was herde that came fro god that sayd. Ye shall find hym in the hous of Eufemyen. And the people said unto Eufemyen, Why hast thou hydde fro us, thou hast suche grace in thy hous. And Eufemyen answered. God knoweth that I knowe no thynge therof.