Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/517

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ther wer many faire wels, and by them were made many hals and chambers wel dight wt gold and asure, and he had made there dyverse stories of beastes and birds yt song and turned by engin and orbage as they had been quick, and he had in his gardeine al thing that might be to man solace and comfort, he had also in that gardeine maydens within ye age of xv yeare, the fairest yt he myght find, and men children of the same age, and they were clothed with cloth of gold, and he said that they were aungels, and he caused to be made certain hils and enclosed them about wt precious stones of jasper and christal, and set in gold and pearls, and other maner of stones, and he had made a condute[1] under ye earth, so that whan he wold ye wals ran sometime with milke, sometime with wine, sometime with honey, and this place is called Paradise, and when any yong bachelor of the countrey, knight or sqyer, cometh to him for solace and disport, he ledeth them into his paradise, and sheweth them these things as the songs of birds, and his damosels, and wels; and he did strike diuerse instruments of musyke, in a high tower that might be heard, and sayd they were aungels of god, and that place was paradise, that god hath graunted to those that be-

  1. Conduit.