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So she whisper'd a pray'r—clos'd her eyes,
But the phantom still haunted her pillow;
While in terrors she echo'd his cries,
As struggling he sunk in a billow,
Far, far at sea.

Winter wi' his cloudy brow.

Now winter wi' his cloudy brow,
Is far ayont yon mountains,
And spring beholds her azure sky
Reflected in the fountains.

Now on the budding slae-thorn bank
She spreads her early blossom,
And woos the nirly-breasted birds
To nestle in her bosom.

But lately a was clad wi' snaw,
Sae darksome, dull, and dreary,
Now lavrocks sing to hail the spring,
An' nature all is cheery.

Then let us leave the town, my love,
An' seek our country dwelling,
Where waving woods, and spreading flow'rs
On ev'ry side are smiling.