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We'll tread again the daisied green,
Where first your beauty mov'd me;
We'll trace again the woodland scene,
Where first ye own'd ye lov'd me.

We soon will view the roses blaw
In a' the charms o' fancy,
For doubly dear these pleasures a',
When shar'd with you my Nancy.

Sally Roy.

Fair Sally, once the village pride,
lies cold and wan in yonder valley;
She lost her lover, and she died;
grief broke the heart of gentle Sally.

Young Valiant was the hero's name,
for early valour fir'd the boy:
Who barter'd all his love for fame,
and kill'd the hopes of Sally Roy.

Swift from the arms of weeping love,
as rag'd the war in yonder valley,
He rush'd, his martial pow'r to prove,
while faint with fear sunk lovely Sally.