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Negotiations with Raghubá—Death of Mysore Rájá—Capture of Bellary and Gútti—Attitude of the Poona Ministry

While engaged in re-establishing his authority on the coast, Haidar ordered Tipú to recover the districts wrested from him by the Maráthás. This was accomplished by the beginning of 1774, after which he took advantage of the doubtful position in which Raghubá, or Raghunáth Ráo, stood, to offer his co-operation and acknowledge him as the rightful Peshwá on condition that the tribute payable by Mysore should be reduced to six lacs. The elevation of Raghubá was vehemently opposed by the famous Bálájí Janárdhan, commonly called Náná Farnavis, the finance minister of Madhu Ráo, who supported the superior claims of Nárayan Ráo's posthumous son, and was afterwards a determined opponent of British influence. But Haidar cared little who was the rightful heir, and thought the opportunity favourable for securing his own interests.

Shortly afterwards a serious insurrection broke out