Chrysoberyl. Cymophane of dark green colour with band of bluish light, oval, cut en cabochon; 1/2 in. by 5/12 in.; coronet mount. (Hope catalogue, p. 58, No. 19.) Plate III. fig. 31. 1338—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Rich brown, 5/8 in. by 4/8 in.; plain mount. 1282—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Sherry yellow, slightly opalescent, brilliant-cut; diam. 11/24 in.; coronet mount. 1281—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Pale opalescent green; 9/24 in. by 8/24 in.; brilliant-cut, plain mount. 1305—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Leaf green, faceted, 7/12 in. by 6/12 in.; plain mount. 1322—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Brownish green, brilliant cut, oval; 6/8 in. by 5/8 in.; coronet mount. (Hope catalogue, p. 56, No. 3.) Plate III. fig. 32. 1194—'69.
Zircon, or Jargoon. Brownish green, long oval; 10/16 in. by 7/16 in.; plain claw mount. (Hope catalogue, p. 57, No. 6). Plate III. fig. 33. 1298—'69.
Opal. Precious, with patches of brilliant colour (the harlequin opal), heart-shaped; 12/12 in. by 9/16 in.; bordered with 34 roses, and having 2 roses and 4 brilliants on each shoulder of the shank; openwork mount. 1220—'69.
Opal. Precious, with brilliant red, yellow, and green flashes; oval; 3/4 in. by 1/2 in.; bordered with 34 diamonds set in silver, and having 3 diamonds on each shoulder of the shank; openwork mount. 1221—'69.
Opal. Precious, long pear-shaped; 7/12 in. by 4/12 in.; open blue-enamelled coronet mount, with 6 claws, a brilliant on each claw, and 6 brilliants in the hollows between the claws. 1222—'69.
Opal. Precious, with large colour flashes, oval; 9/16 in. by 7/16 in.; bordered with 24 brilliants; plain mount. 1223—'69.
Opal. Precious, oval, 1/3 in. by 5/24 in.; bordered with 16 roses; openwork mount. 1224—'69.
Opal. Precious, with broad flashes of colour, long oval; 2/3 in. by 6/16 in.; claw mount, with blue enamel between the claws. 1225—'68.
Opal. Precious, Mexican, a fire opal of deep amber colour, with red and green flashes, long oval; 2/3 in. by 5/12 in.; blue enamelled border, on gold mount. (Hope catalogue, p. 79, No. 26.) Plate III. fig. 34. 1226—'69.
Opal. Precious, Hungarian, very brilliant harlequin colours; circular; 5/12 in. diam.; coronet mount, on chased shank. (Hope catalogue, p. 78, No. 19.) Plate III. fig. 35, 1227—'69.
Opal. Precious, Hungarian, oval; 11/16 in. by 9/16 in.; plain mount with claws Hope catalogue, p. 79, No. 28.) 1228—'69.