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viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. RECENT CASES — Continued. FAGB Pledge. Pledgor agent of pledgee 159 Repledging by pledgee 549 Tortious sale by pledgee 289 Police Power. See Constitutional Law. Practice. Joint judgment; failure to serve one party 360 Prescription. See Real Property. Presumption. See Criminal Law and Evidence. Profit k Prendre. See Real Property. Quasi Contracts. Fraud; survival of action 290 Judgment; action arising on contract i58 Mistake; pressure of legal process 158 Real Property. Accretion 223, 549 Adverse possession ; claiming under mistake 289 Tacking * 290 Tenant in common 361 Boundaries ; courses and distances 223 Highway (two cases) 1 57 Continuous and apparent easements 156 Conveyance of an expectant estate 488 Convenant of warranty ; how affected by Married Women's Act .... 434 Liability of remote warrantor 488 Dedication ; estoppel 488 Street 549 Deed; construction; estate to begin /«j'^//«r^ 157 Descended land how applied in payment of conflicting claims 157 Donatio causa mortis 488 Easement in street ; abandonment 434 Ejectment; possession 489 Exception and reservation ; /r^/ ^/r^«dfr^ 361 Fixtures ; vendor's lien as against mortgage 489 Gift of growing crops 547 Landlord and tenant ; assignment of rent ; reversion 434 Fitness for habitation 289 Implied covenant of quiet enjoyment 434 Life tenant and remainderman ; charge on inheritance 550 Z/J/^«fl'i?«j,' conveyance after filing bill before amendment 361 Mahcious building of high fence 549 Mortgage sale ; foreign administrator 158 Percolating water ; malicious diversion 362 Ownership in 550 Permanent and transient injury by nuisance ; Statute of Limitations . . . 435 Prescription ; annual sum for repairs 362 Interruption ; Prescription Act 361 Rule against perpetuities ; restraints on alienation 549 Tenant in common ; purchase of outstanding title as against cotenant . . . 435 See Wills. Res Judicata. See Contracts 2ca6. Judgments. Sales. Action for price when title did not pass ; construction 435 Leasehold ; condition against objecting to title ; specfic performance . . . 362 Massachusetts Factors Act 290 Pledgor agent of pledgee 1 59