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part, and at the same time to insure the perfect exercise of the vital organs.

In our corset the wearer can breathe freely, and the pulsation of her heart is not the least interfered with, whilst the various motions of the body can be performed without any extra exertion or fatigue. If she take a walk, she derives important support from the closely-fitting corset; and when she reclines, the elastic nature of the materials and their accurate adaptation prevent every kind of inconvenience; for at the advanced stages of this interesting period, when it is imperative for the comfort and health of both mother and child that the corset should be enlarged, this is effected by a simple contrivance, by which an increased space can be obtained at the will and pleasure of the wearer, without in any way rendering it less valuable as a support, or less efficient in preserving the figure, whilst a perfectly free action of the whole body is the result. A provision is therefore made for every exigency; so that, under every circumstance, there is effected the great desiderata of perfect ease, freedom, and safety.

It is always gratifying to have one's labour appreciated, and in maturing the corset, so important to the mother, we have had no small share of the public approbation awarded us. It has cost us many years to bring it to its present state. of comparative perfection, but we have succeeded at last. To realize this, we had to note many instances of failure in others, evidently the result of ignorance of the structure of the body to which it was to be applied—they were mere "fancy sketches," compared with our more rigid copy from Nature!