Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - The Buddhist Philosophy of Life.djvu/61

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  • 18 Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. Jerome.
  • 20 Let's Laugh. Nasby.
  • 166 English as She Is Spoke. Mark Twain.
  • 205 Artemus Ward. His Book.
  • 187 Whistler's Humor.
  • 216 Wit of Heinrich Heine. Geo. Eliot.
  • 231 8 Humorous Sketches. Mark Twain.


  • 97 Love Letters of King Henry VIII.
  • 36 Soul of Man Under Socialism. O. Wilde.
  • 28 Toleration. Voltaire.
  • 89 Love Letters of Men and Women of Genius.
  • 87 Love. Montaigne.
  • 48 Bacon's Essays.
  • 60 Emerson's Essays.
  • 84 Love Letters of a Nun.
  • 26 On Going to Church. Shaw.
  • 61 Tolstoi's Essays.
  • 176 Four Essays. Ellis.
  • 160 Shakespeare. Ingersoll.
  • 186 How I Write "The Raven." Poe.
  • 75 Choice of Books. Carlyle.
  • 76 Prince of Peace. Bryan.
  • 86 On Reading. Brandes.
  • 95 Confessions of An Opium Eater.
  • 188 How Voltaire Fooled Priest and King.
  • 3 Eighteen Essays. Voltaire.
  • 213 Lincoln. Ingersoll.
  • 183 Realism in Art and Literature. Darrow.
  • 177 Subjection of Women. John Stuart Mill.
  • 17 On Walking. Thoreau.
  • 70 Lamb's Essays.
  • 135 Socialism for Millionaires. G. B. Shaw.
  • 235 Essays. G. K. Chesterton.
  • 7 A Liberal Education. Thomas Huxley.
  • 233 Thoughts on Literature and Art. Goethe.
  • 225 Condescension in Foreigners. J. R. Lowell.
  • 221 Women, and Other Essays. Maeterlinck.
  • 218 Essays. Jean Jaures.
  • 10 Shelley. F. Thompson.
  • 288 Essays on Chesterfield and Rabelais. Sainte-Beuve
  • 313 The Decay of Lying. Oscar Wilde

Maxims and Epigrams

  • 56 Wisdom of Ingersoll.
  • 106 Aphorisms. Geo. Sand.
  • 168 Epigrams. O. Wilde.
  • 59 Epigrams of Wit.
  • 35 Maxims. Rochefoucauld.
  • 154 Epigrams of Ibsen.
  • 197 Witticisms. De Sevigne.
  • 180 Epigrams. G. B. Shaw.
  • 155 Maxims. Napoleon.
  • 113 Proverbs of England.
  • 114 Proverbs of France.
  • 115 Proverbs of Japan.