Page:Herbert Jenkins - Patricia Brent Spinster.djvu/197

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the story of her son's first meeting with his fiancé. She shuddered again.

"Are you cold?" Bowen enquired solicitously, leaning forward to close the window nearest to him.

"No, I was thinking what Lady Meyfield will think when she hears how you made the acquaintance of—of—me," she finished lamely.

"There is no reason why she should know," said Bowen.

"Do you think I would marry——?" Patricia broke off suddenly in confusion.

"But why——?" began Bowen.

"If ever I meet Lady Meyfield I shall tell her exactly how I—I—met you," said Patricia with decision.

"Well, tell her then," said Bowen good-humouredly. "She has a real sense of humour."

The moment Bowen had uttered the words he saw his mistake. Patricia drew herself up coldly.

"It was rather funny, wasn't it?" she said evenly; "but mothers do not encourage their sons to develop such acquaintances. Now shall we talk about something else?"

"But my mother wants to meet you," protested Bowen. "She——"

"Tell her the story of our acquaintance," replied Patricia coldly "I think that will effectually overcome her wish to know me. Ah! here we are," she concluded as the taxi drew up at Galvin House. With a short "good night!"