Page:Historical Essays and Studies.djvu/543

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Mexican Empire, the, the rise and fall of, 143 Mexico, area, climate, 143 ; fertility,

; and mineral wealth of, 143, 
; its drawbacks, 143 ; its 

history under Spanish rule, 144 ; the rise of the Republic, its diffi- culties, 144-5 > overwhelming influence of the Church, 145 ; how dealt with by the Democrats, 146, 148, 149 ; civil war, 146 ; the rival leaders, 146-8 ; state of affairs in 1861., 148-9; repudia- tion of payment on European loans, 149-50, 153 ; intervention of the interested Powers, 149-50 ; the campaign under Prim, claims of the Powers, 150 ; the French claim, 150-51; the French in Mexico, 151 ; their reasons for expecting success, 153 ; pro- gress of the war, 153-4 ; the new government, the throne offered to Maximilian, 154-6 ; and ac- cepted, 156 ; story of his reign, 156 et seq. , and see Maximilian Mexico city, entered by the French (1863), 154 Michelet, J., exaggerations of, 493 ignorant of Spencer's views, 283 Michiel, Cardinal (Venetian), death of,

Mickiewicz, reputation of, 282 Middle Ages, historical literature of, Buckle's insufficient acquaintance with, 333 Raumer, German writer, on, 351 Military science, its first axiom, 6 ; and see re Sieges, 266 Mill, James, views of, anticipated by Talleyrand, 400 Mill, John Stuart, political theorist, 492 ; coldness of George Eliot's atti- tude towards, 288 ; and Comte, 287 Milman, Dean, 332 Milnes, Pemberton, father of Lord Houghton, 414-5 Milnes, Richard Monckton, see Hough- ton, Lord Milton, John, George Eliot's preference for, 283 Minio, Marco, cited on cardinals' con- spiracy of 1517., 434 Mirabeau, 488 ; and Talleyrand com- pared, 402 Miramar, home of Maximilian, 155 Miramon, Miguel, career of, 146 et seq. ; his financial methods, 147 ; and their consequences, 149-51 ; he offers his support to Maximilian, 165 ; the last campaign, 166-7 I his defence, 169 Maximilian's last courtesy to, 172 Minghetti, coaches Cavour, at the Con- gress of Paris, 189 Moabite antiquities, purchase of, 365 Modena, Mary Beatrice of, Queen, wife of James II., 109 Mohler, 367 Mole and Baron Werther on Franco- Prussian War, 486 ; and Napoleon's reason for Russian campaign, 443 ; records of Napoleon, 442 Mollien, Talleyrand's respect for, 398 Moltke, Count von, appointed Chief of Staff, 229 and Bernhardi, 214 and Bismarck, feud between, 266 and the Franco-Prussian War, 204, , 216, 217, 218, 223 control by, over German strategy, ., 241 quality of troops used against the army of the Loire, 256 refuses the armistice to Paris, 260 and the army of - the Loire, 265 drives Bourbaki into Switzerland, 268 Mommsen, 383, 385 George Eliot's indifference to, 297 defect of, as historian, 382 rank of, as historian, value, 496 value of his work, 349 rejection of Neapolitan inscriptions,

6 4 

Monarchy, danger of, 133 and Democracy, crimes of, 193-4 German view of, 251-2 the sole hope of Mexican Conserva- tives (1846 and after), 146 Monita Secreta, fabulous documents,

6 4 

Monmouth, Duke of, his title less good than that of de la Cloche, 85,

Mont Avron, fort on, near Orleans, 265 Mont^gut, tribute from, to George Eliot,

Montesquieu, 332 Talleyrand's studies of, 403 ; and acceptation of, 400 Montezuma, 154 Montpensier, Duke de, a candidate for the Spanish crown, 213, 230 Mademoiselle, and Charles II., pro- posed marriage of, 87 Monumenta, The, connection of German mediaeval school with, 375