Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/356

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330 ADELAIDE AND VICINITY Hon. William Benjamin Rounsevell, M.P. No class of citizens in South Australia, judging' by members in Parliament at different times, can be said to serve their country more faithfully than the commercial section At all periods of the Province's growth, their political activity has been great. There are leading commercial men in the City of Adelaide who have in one way or another sacrificed personal interests for the public weal. The popular mind is exceedingly apt to under-estimate the amount of self-abnegation dis- played in serving public interests. The time of a commercial man is exceedingly valuable to his numerous interests, and leading business men have a strong excuse for remaining aloof from the arena of politics because of the tide of duties that daily waits them at their office. William Benjamin Rounsevell comes within the circle of this meritorious class. Though his business connections were sufficient to absorb his undivided attention, he yet found time for a long exercise of political and Ministerial duties. His services were appreciated all the more in consequence of the valuable private time he voluntarily allowed to remain unutilised for his nearer ends. He was born in South Adcock, Photo Australia in 1842. His father, the late William Rounsevell, owned an extensive coaching business, which has long since been merged into the firm of John Hill & Co., Ltd. Mr. Rounsevell received his education at Whinham College. On leaving .school, the carefulness of his father had provided amply for his sons' welfare. On the paternal death Mr. Rounsevell and his brother John became heirs to a large amount of valuable property. The legacy enabled the two brothers to embark on enterprises of an ambitious nature. Pastoral and commercial undertakings of an extensive kind were entered into with active enthusiasm, and a successful wine and spirit was conducted simultaneously in the city. Various enterprises were boldly attacked by the energetic firm, and a profitable connection established in many lines and branches of ■ sg^ a^^l^B nB^^^r ^^^^^1 ^ A ^E w '^^^^^^H