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ADKLAIDK AND VICINITY 443 T Dr. Thomas Kinley Hamilton B.A., M.B., M.D. (Univ. Dublin,) M.D. (Adelaide), F.R.C.S.I., and L.M., etc. HE medical faculty is very prominent in Australian social life, upon which it has conferred material benefits, and the tone of which it has elevated by the culture which comes from a University education. Medical and surgical talent is, by itself, of immense value to a community, but when combined with Christian philanthropy and intellectual vigor, it is invaluable. To this highest order of physicians the subject of this article belongs, for Dr. T. K. Hamilton is at once a skilled surgeon and an estimable and benevolent citizen. Dr. Thomas Kinley Hamilton, though probably of Scottish origin primarily, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1853, and is the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Robert Hamilton, Rector of Drumcree, County Armagh, Ire- land. His earlier education was received at the Royal School, Dungannon, and in the Grammar School of Dundalk. In the latter institution he gained, in three con- secutive years, a medal presented by the Earl of Roden, the patron of the school, to the pupil securing first place in the school by obtain- ing the largest number of marks in Hammer & Co., Photo Classics, Mathematics, and Modern Languages. In 1870, Dr. Hamilton entered Trinity College, Univensity of Dublin, securing one of the chosen positions amongst the candidates at entrance. He subsequendy gained the Catechetical Prize in each of his first four terms. In 1874 he graduated as Bachelor of Arts, oijtaining second place in the second class at the degree examination. Commencing the study of Medicine, young Hamilton, two years later, took the Bachelor degree in that science, securing fourth place among a large number of candidates. In the same year he acquired the diploma of Surgery in the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, also the Licence in Midwifery at the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital, Dublin. He applied himself to obtaining practical .skill by traversin"- the usual course at the Adelaide Hospital, Dublin, where he ^ '^ r)iJ2