Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/558

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532 ADELAIDE AND VICINirV Dr. William Ramsay Smith, B.Sc, M.B., CM., etc. AUSTRALIA is wealthy in the possession of men wiio have sacrificed the cultured surroundings of the Old World to take their places as the; exjionents of art and science in this continent. To the Universities of Great Britain and Europe she is indebted for many of her most learned scientists. The hospitals be ir eloquent testimony of their work ; and the Universities, museums, and other schools are stamped vviih the impress of their talents In .South Australia a valuable addition has been made to the highest grade of medicine and science in the person of Dr. William Ramsay .Smith, President of the Central Hoard of Health, and City Coroner for Adelaide. The subject of our sketch ;;s born in .Aberdeenshire on Novem- ber 27, 1859, and his career from his boyhood has been an illustration of Scottish ability, determination, and pluck, combined with the most indomitable energy. From the country schools he passed directly to Edinburgh University, and for 13 'ears he was connected with that institution as student, graduate, lecturer, examiner, assistant pro- fessor, and acting professor. His career was one lont); record of indefatigable hard work ; and there jjammer & Co.. Phot,, ^^^g scarccly a subject he took up in the whole courses of arts, science, and medicine in which he could not have taken a foremost, permanent place. At the age of 18 he entered the University. With honors in Natural .Science, he pa.ssed the examinations in all branches of the Arts course, with the e.xception of Classics. He sacrificed the .Senior Classical Lectures for the sake of attending courses of lectures in Advanced Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, and the History of Philosophy. In these subjects he took a high place, and became a ])rizcman in Mathematics and Logic. From this he proceeded to the further study of Science, and look the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Department of the Natural Sciences, embracing the subjects of Botany, Zoology, Geology, and Physiology. During his Arts course he