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Dr.w.R.Smith ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 535 writers that the editor had gathered round him, the best-known of wliom is J. M. Barrie. The combination was an advantageous one for paper and contributor ; and for several years Dr. Smith was a constant writer of articles, leaders, and reviews to the Scotsniaii and its evening edition, the Dispatch, on sanitary, social, literary, and scientific subjects. In 1S94 he had the honor of being asked to join the staff of contributors to th(! "Medical Annual," an international year-book of medical progress — the contributors being specialists in different departments of medicine and surgery in the various countries of Europe and in America. He was also an extensive contributor of articles, chiefly zoological, to the new edition of Chambers's Cyclopa-dia. Among Dr. Ramsay .Smith's contributions to scientific and medical literature are the following : — " Illustrations of Zoology ; Invertebrates and 'ertebrates " ; "Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural Historv"; "Handbook of Practical Zoology " ; a series of handbooks to the professional examinations in Edinburgh University; Reports on the " Eood of Fishes"; "Hermaphroditism in the Haddock"; "Abnormal Arrangement of the Subclavian Artery"; "Hermaphroditism in the Frog"; "The Muscular Mechanism of Walking"; "A Case of Abnormality of the Finger-nails"; The Function of the Peroneus Tertius Muscle " ; " The Logic of Medicine " ; " Haemorrhage from the Alveoli checked b- Puff-ball"; "A Case of Acquired Umbilical Foecal Fistula"; "A Case of Bleeding by the l^rachus ' ; "The Course of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve"; "A Definite P'orm of Skin Disease allied to Erythema and Urticavia"; "An Over-driven Heart: a clinical study " ; " Angio-neurotic Gulema " ; "On the Long Sensory Root of the Ciliary Ganglion, as figured by Cloquet " ; " Hereditary Malformation of the Hands and Feet, with operation of one subject"; "Breathing in Singing"; "A Case of Angio-neurotic CEdema " ; "A Case of Labor with Cardiac and Renal Complications"; " The Treatment of Constipation in Typhoid Fever " ; "A Study in Identity of the Dead " ; " Death in the .Status Epilepticus " ; " Some Notes on First Aid " ; " Researches into the Anatomy and .Surgery of the Lower Extremity " ; "A Clinical .Study in Diabetes"; "Heart Pain"; "Original Investigations into Diseases of the Vaso-motor System"; and other works. The Surgeon-in-Ordinary to Her late Majesty the Queen, when writing of Dr. Ram.say .Smith, .said : — " His scientific attainments, his ability as University A.ssistant, his power of communicating knowledge as well as accumulating" it, by a true and scientific method, made him a man marked out by his native talents for the position of teacher. His practical aims were, however, never lost sight of for a moment, and his stores of knowledge in the practical departments of surgery and medicine were quite as remarkable as his scientific attainments. His contributions to the literature of surgery and medicine, commencing at an early period in his practical studies, point to a power far beyond that of the ordinary student in grasping the important bearing of any practical observation and of contrasting it with acknowledged results." The President of the Royal College of .Surgeons, Edinburgh, also said : — " I regard Dr. Ramsay Smith as a very remarkable man, and confidently anticipate for him a very great future, likely to add a lustre to any public institution, whether as a teacher or as a practitioner, with which he may be associated. I shall deem any medical school or hospital as indeed fortunate in securing for their service a practitioner of such scientific attainments and a scientist of such undoubted practical qualifications." Without any disparagement to his medical work, it was as a sanitary