Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/626

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6oo ADELAIDE AND VICINITY The Bank of Adelaide business in South Australia. It was for some years the only bank, and is still one of the banks, in the Province proclaimed by the Government under the Trustees Act of 1S93 as a bank in which trustees may deposit trust funds without liability to themselves. The head office of The Bank of Adelaide is situated at the corner of King William and Currie Streets, Adelaide, where a handsome and commodious building supplies one of the chief adornments to the central thoroughfare. There are 17 branches and 13 agencies in South Australia, and there is a branch in London, the Directors of which are Messrs. W. Lund, .'braham .Scott, and bVederic C. Dobbing, th(; manager being- Mr. Percy Arnold. The present directorate in South Australia consists of Messrs. A. G. Downer (chairman), Henry Scott, James Harvey, H. C. E. Mueckc, and -Sir [enkin Coles. M.P. Mr. Shicls continues to act as manager, and he is admirably assisted by Mr. R. S. 'oung, the accountant. The following statistics, taken from the balance-sheets, show in a concise form the progress made by the institution since its establishment : — Year. NOTKS IN ClKCULATlON. Deposits. Coin and Bullion. Advances. Reskkve Fund. Z ^ I £ £ £ 1867 19.231 102,282 38,854 256,893 6.531 1868 24, 106 12^,058 48.539 287,491 6.531 1869 [25. '75 194,074 52,900 351.753 8,208 1870 26,800 189,168 73.468 371.152 '0,379 1878 73.'3i 847.55' 99.971 1,028,055 90,000 1 88 1 47.162 550,030 103,026 756,806 140,000 1886 49.815 586, 1 I 2 149.871 927,129 165,000 1891 69,654 1,075, ' 28 1 59,608 1,136,930 182,000 1893 80,905 1,2 12,240 255.228 '.277.935 140,000 '895 92.844 1,654,892 380,312 1,347,786 146,000 1898 115,896 1.905,947 460,341 1,457,486 155,000 1899 123.597 '.934.557 323.197 1.438.1 1 1 160,000 1900 127,222 2.185,435 388,750 1,401,690 165,000 1901 130.594 1.913.387 345.519 1.489.453 1 70,000 In connection with the above statement it should be noted that, in addition to the coin and bullion shown, the Bank held from 1887 and onwards Government debentures and other liquid assets ; the amount in the 1901 balance-sheet being Government debentures, ^400,021 ; and liquid a.ssets, ^442,028.