Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/491

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IXDKX. 451 Hamilcar at Eryx, i. 34 4. Hammon, origin of name, i. Hanno, i. 48; inscription by, i. 319; Periplus of, ii. 371. Haouran, monuments from, ii. 46. Haram-el-Cherif, ruins of, i. 304. Harbours, destruction of Syrian, i. 20 ; Appian on, at Carthage, i. 338 ; at Marseilles, i. 394 ; at Uticu, i. 401- 408. Hasdrubal, i. 324, 390. Hathor, mask of. ii. 10, 127, 329. Heads from Amrit classified, ii. 36 ; from Edessa, ii. 46-48 ; types of, in Cypnis. ii. 131, 133 137. Hebrew, genealogies, i. 12; religion, i. 148 ; Tyrian kings in scriptures, i. 30 ; people influenced by Phoeni- cians, i. 100 ; treatment of the dead, i. I45#., 146; scripture metaphors, i. 178, 179 ; Cyprus in scriptures, ii. 92//. ; ethnographic system of scriptures on Cyprians, ii. 94, 95. Hebron, glass manufactory at, ii. 328. Heliogabalus, i. 62 ; coins from Byblos, time of, i. 129. Hephaistos, ii. 17, 339. Heralds' College, ii. 60. Hercules or Heracles, torso of, from Amrit, i. 263 ; identified with Mel- kart and Esmoun, ii. 23, 24, 82, 176, 177 ; colossus of, from Golgos, ii. 170, 171 ; statuettes of, ii. 175, 176 ; at Kition, ii. 224 ; earthenware head of, ii. 290, 291. Herodian on worship of stones, i. 62. Herodotus, origin of the Phoenicians, i. 1 1 ; Syrian account of foundation of Tyre, i. i6.; refusal of the Phoe- nicians to fight against Carthage, i. 40 ; king of Tartessos, i. 44 ; on Phoenician gods, i. 72, 271 ; temple of Baal-Melkart, i. 78, 261 ; temple of Tyre, i. 123, 141, 260; Phoenician sarcophagi, i. 183 ; siege of Curium, i. 300 ; images of pigmies, ii. 17, 18, 20 ; Aphrodite Ourania, ii. 43 ; curative properties of ladanum, ii. 89 ; Persian tiara, ii. 245 ; emerald column at Tyre, ii. 336. Heuzey, M., on Phoenician sarcophagi, i. 188 ; statuette from Tortosa, ii. 2i. ; terra-cottas, ii. 55//., 7i.-74; early Pncenician art, ii. 81 ; Cypriot Greeks, ii. 97 ; Cyprian monuments, ii. i28.; Cyprian art, ii. 136 ; Cyprian statuettes, ii. 157;*. ; on Bes, ii. 164, i6s. ; on earthenware aryballos, ii. 272-274. Hierapolis, temple at, i. 123. Hiero, i. 47. Hieroduli. i. 332. High places, worship of, i. 37, 251, 326. Himilco, i. 49, 319; ii. 59. Hittite, i. 14 ; alphabet, ii. 41, 42, 237 ; monuments, ii. 5o. Homer, i. i49. ; Phoenician armour, ii. 415 ; on Siclonian women's em- broidery, ii. 42 2ft. ; Phoenician trade, ii. 428, 429. Hommel, Fritz, on Aphrodite, i. 272;*., Horse, early use of, ii. 201, 202. Houel, M., on ruins at Malta, i. 382, 383- Hunting scene on sarcophagus of Athieno, ii. 215 ; on metal bowl, " 343-345- Hybrid animals, ii. 198-203. Hyginus, fable of Aphrodite, i. 207. Hypogea, i. 149. 1. IDALION, i. 216, 273 ; temple of, i. 281, 287 ; bronze plaque from, ii. 101 ; terra-cotta from, ii. 199 ; vase from, ii. 271 ; earthenware vessels found at, ii. 280 ; metal cup from, ii. 348 ; patera from, ii. 353 ; bowl from, ii. 356; weapons from, ii. 415, 416, 421. Idol from Polledrara, ii. 419. Iliad, description of Cyprus in, ii. 91. Indian vases, ii. 278. Inscriptions, upon tombs, i. 142, 149, 150, 233; on sarcophagus of Es- mounazar, i. i68. ; near Kition, i. 215 ; on Sardinian jewels, i. 247 ; on stele of Jehawmelek, i. 23, 24, 260- 262; in Cyprus, i. 267, 268, 27 iw., 274 ; in Malta, i. 302 ; in Sicily, i. 319 ; bi-lingual, from Thugga, i. 384 ; on bas-relief at Byblos, ii. 10; on stone from Babylon, ii. 39 ; on monument in Turin museum, ii. 59 ; on seals, ii. 2^8, 244 ; on metal cups, ii. 340. Intaglio, i. 296 ; ii. 227.